TEASER FADE IN: EXT. HOMESTEAD - DAY ONE - TO ESTABLISH 1 SULLY mends a fence. BRIAN (V.O.) (quickly) O-c-u... no. O-c-c-u-r-r-e-d. MIKE (V.O.) Right. Two c's, two r's. INT. HOMESTEAD - DAY ONE 2 MIKE is quizzing BRIAN for a spelling bee. He stands across from her as she reads words from a sheet. KATIE's in her cradle, sleeping. A fire blazes. BRIAN (trying to fix it in memory) Two c's, two r's. MIKE Phenomenon. BRIAN (quickly) P-h-e-n-o-m-e-n-o-n. MIKE Good! BRIAN Give me a harder word. Katie starts to fuss. Mike stands and walks toward her. MIKE Annihilate. BRIAN That's not hard. A-n-n-i-h-i-l-a-t-e. Mike picks up Katie, rocks her, tries to soothe her. MIKE There, sweetheart. You're up now. You slept a nice long time. (CONTINUED) 2. CONTINUED: 2 BRIAN Ma? Was that right? MIKE I'm sorry, Brian, I didn't hear. (to Katie) You're wet. Is that why you're crying? BRIAN A-n-n-i-h-i-l-a-t-e. MIKE (to Katie) I'm going to give you a bath now. Would you like that? Brian reacts, disappointed by Mike's lack of response, as she starts toward the stairs. MIKE (to Brian) We'll continue tomorrow, Brian. BRIAN But the spellin' bee's tomorrow. You're gonna be there, aren't ya? MIKE Of course. I wouldn't miss it. Why don't you finish your chores, and we'll do some more drills later, after I put Katie to bed. (to Katie) Oh, look at those big bright eyes. Watching everything. She goes up the stairs and disappears. Brian stares after her a moment, then grabs his jacket and goes out the door. +OMITTED (3) 2A EXT. HOMESTEAD - DAY ONE 4 Brian walks out, heading toward the barn. He passes Sully. (CONTINUED) 3. CONTINUED: 4 SULLY Hey Brian. Brian manages a lackluster: BRIAN Hey Sully. And he continues into the barn. Sully wonders what's up, but before he can follow Brian, MATTHEW rides up to Sully (he's got saddlebags that indicate he's going away for a few days). SULLY Matthew. What's goin' on? MATTHEW I was hopin' you could help me out -- I had to arrest one of the Watson boys. SULLY Why's that? MATTHEW Stole a cow. SULLY (surprised) A cow? (Matthew nods) One cow? MATTHEW That's right. SULLY Did he slaughter it? MATTHEW Yep. SULLY (takes a beat, then:) Town tried to hang Ingrid's brother when he stole a cow, when his family was starvin'. Way I remember it, you were his friend, and ya helped him. MATTHEW I ain't gonna hang this fella. But I gotta keep him in jail a few days. (CONTINUED) 4. CONTINUED: (2) 4 SULLY Matthew, you know his family needs him right now. They're havin' a hard time... MATTHEW What am I supposed to do? I can't have folks breakin' the law and gettin' away with it. SULLY Matthew -- But Matthew cuts him off: MATTHEW I just came by to see if you'd look in on Watson while I'm away. SULLY Where you goin'? MATTHEW Cascade Valley. SULLY Why's that? MATTHEW The Danforth Company's havin' trouble. They wired me for help. SULLY Danforth Company? MATTHEW They're buildin' somethin' out that way, and supplies are gettin' hijacked. SULLY (nods gravely) When will you be back? MATTHEW Soon as I get things under control. Probably by the end of the week. SULLY Maybe I should go with you. MATTHEW Nah, I can handle it. (CONTINUED) 5. CONTINUED: (3) 4 SULLY Well, be careful. MATTHEW Sully. I can take care of this. Matthew rides out. Sully watches him. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER 6. ACT ONE FADE IN: EXT. STREET OUTSIDE SHERIFF'S OFFICE AND LIVERY - DAY TWO 5 Sully comes out of the Sheriff's office, and spots PRESTON with two unsavory-looking men, BILLY and RAY, tieing packs on their horses. Preston hands each of them some bills. PRESTON Here you are, gentlemen. RAY Where's the rest of the money? PRESTON You'll get the balance when the job's completed. BILLY How long'll it take to get to this place? What's it called? PRESTON Cascade Valley. Sully takes notice. PRESTON Half a day, if we move fairly quickly. SULLY (approaches) What's goin' on in Cascade Valley? PRESTON Business. SULLY What business? PRESTON Haven't you heard? The Danforth Company's going to build a dam above the Cascade River. SULLY (remembers) Danforth. PRESTON They're going to flood the Cascade Valley. (CONTINUED) 6A. CONTINUED: 5 SULLY They can't do that. PRESTON Apparently they can. (CONTINUED) 7. CONTINUED: (2) 5 SULLY That valley's the winter feeding ground for the elk in this area. PRESTON It won't be in the future. They'll have to find somewhere else to dine. SULLY It's also... (he's staggered at the thought) ...one of the most beautiful valleys in the territory. PRESTON It will all be under water. Unless... (looks at Billy and Ray) ...we can persuade them that this dam is a poor idea. They start getting on their horses. Sully looks at Billy and Ray, wondering about their method of persuasion. Both carry guns. He turns to Preston. SULLY Why do you care about the dam? PRESTON It will dry up the river that runs by my spa. (Sully nods, getting it) And that's one of our main attractions. People like to fish, and stroll along it. But if the dam is built, I won't have a riverside resort, I'll have a hotel by a dry river bed. (picks up reins) I can't let that happen. He and the men ride off. EXT. HOMESTEAD - DAY TWO 5A Mike and Sully come out onto the porch. Mike holds Katie. Sully's horse is ready to roll. (CONTINUED) 8. CONTINUED: 5A SULLY I asked Robert E to look in on Watson in jail... I just gotta go make sure Matthew knows what he's gettin' into -- MIKE I can't believe Matthew would intentionally want to help someone who is going to flood the Valley. SULLY He's a lawman, it's his job. MIKE He must not be aware of what Danforth is up to -- SULLY Or Preston. I didn't like the looks of his "friends." He kisses Mike and Katie goodbye. MIKE Be careful. SULLY Shouldn't be gone too long. And he gets on his horse. Mike is concerned, but distracted by Katie, who starts to fuss. MIKE What's the matter, baby girl? EXT. SCHOOL HOUSE - DAY TWO - TO ESTABLISH 6 INT. SCHOOL HOUSE - DAY TWO 7 The spelling bee is in progress. Six parents are there, standing in back, cheering on their children. But Mike's not there. Brian and the other students sit at their desks, as TERESA quizzes SARA, who's standing at a podium. TERESA Opossum. SARA O-p-o-s-s-u-m. TERESA Correct. (CONTINUED) 8A. CONTINUED: 7 Everyone applauds. TERESA Vociferous. (CONTINUED) 9. CONTINUED: (2) 7 SARA V-o-c-i-f... She pauses, everybody's with her -- so far, so good. SARA e-r-o-s. There's quiet in the room. TERESA I am sorry. It's "e-r-o-u-s." But you did very well. Six correct. She tallies on a board. Sara, with a smile, takes her seat. TERESA Next is Brian Cooper. Brian stands and scans the crowd, looking for his mother. A couple of other parents walk in and take seats. Brian walks to the podium. TERESA Your first word is "sheriff." BRIAN S-h-e-r-i-f-f. TERESA Correct. People applaud. Brian looks about the crowd. TERESA "Forfeit." Brian scans the crowd again. Why isn't Mike there? BRIAN F-o-r-f-e-i-t. TERESA Correct. Applause. TERESA "Opportunity." Door opens. Brian swivels his head to see who's coming in. 10. +HIS POV 8 Another mother walks through the door on tiptoes, trying not to disturb people. +ON BRIAN 9 as he reacts, disappointed that it's not Mike. He turns his attention back to Teresa. BRIAN O-p-o-r-t-u-n-i-t-y. Teresa looks at him in surprise. The room falls silent. Everyone's shocked at Brian's missing an easy word. TERESA That is incorrect. There are two "p's" in opportunity. (beat) Thank you, Brian. Next is Tess Randall. Brian is beside himself, humiliated. How could he have missed that word? TESS stands and walks to the podium. Brian goes back to his seat and sinks down. EXT. COUNTRY ROAD - DAY TWO 10 Matthew, on horseback, finishes scouting a hillside, and trots back to a wagon which is loaded with lumber. Two drivers, PAT and GEORGE, sit on the front seat. PAT (gestures toward hill) Right up there's where they stopped us before. Came right outta nowhere. MATTHEW Looks alright now. Let's just ease on ahead. Nice and steady. Pat flicks the reins and the horses start moving. Matthew rides in front of them, scanning the hills. 11. EXT. DANFORTH CAMP - DAY TWO 11 Sully rides up to the camp, where MEN are carrying loads of lumber and hardware, stacking them in piles. Several tents are set up, in front of which is a table with four chairs. DANFORTH, an unscrupulous builder, stands at the table showing blueprints to Preston. Billy and Ray stand to the side. +ON SULLY 12 He looks around at the camp as he dismounts and ties up his horse. Hearing voices, he walks close enough to the tent to see and hear what's being said. (Note that Preston and Danforth do not see Sully.) +BACK TO SCENE 13 Danforth points to the plans. DANFORTH We're going to put the mill here. That way we can cut the trees right here, mill them and ship them on railroad cars straight to Denver. You know how much time and money that's going to save us? PRESTON I can appreciate that. DANFORTH There's a boom going on in Denver. They need lumber and they need it fast. PRESTON All I'm suggesting is that you build the dam at another site, say... Fountain Creek. DANFORTH And why would I do that? +ON SULLY 14 watching this, growing upset. 12. +BACK TO SCENE 15 PRESTON Because if you build it here, it will destroy this valley and dry up the river that runs past Colorado Springs. DANFORTH You have other sources of water. PRESTON If you build at Fountain Creek, Mr. Danforth, I'm prepared to arrange excellent financing, for all your loans... DANFORTH Not interested. PRESTON (more insistent) Two points less than you're paying now. DANFORTH Don't you understand? I own this land. I'm here. In two more days, the dynamite will be here and we start blasting. PRESTON (threatening) I'm urging you in the strongest terms to reconsider. DANFORTH Answer is no. PRESTON (after a beat) We'll see about that. He motions to Billy and Ray, who follow him away from the table toward the place where their horses are tied. +ON SULLY 16 He looks at Preston retreating, then at Danforth. INT. HOMESTEAD - DAY TWO 17 Mike is walking back and forth holding Katie, who's sick. After a few beats, door opens and Brian walks in. (CONTINUED) 13. CONTINUED: 17 MIKE Brian, I'm so sorry... BRIAN Where were ya, Ma? MIKE Katie became ill. She was running a fever. BRIAN What's wrong with her? MIKE It's just a catarrh. But I couldn't bring her and I didn't want to leave her with anyone else. I'm so disappointed I wasn't able to be there... BRIAN (brushing it off) It's all right. I gotta do my chores. MIKE Wait. Sit down a minute. Tell me about the spelling bee. BRIAN Tess won. MIKE (surprised) Oh? And how did you do? BRIAN Not so good. MIKE But you were so well prepared. BRIAN I missed the word "opportunity". MIKE You know how to spell that. (CONTINUED) 14. CONTINUED: (2) 17 BRIAN I got mixed up. MIKE Well... That happens to everyone. I'm sure you'll do better next time. He nods, still disappointed. Katie stirs, makes a noise. Mike turns her attention to her. BRIAN I got chores to do. He leaves, still unhappy. Mike watches him go in silence. EXT. DANFORTH CAMP - DAY TWO 18 Matthew rides into camp ahead of Pat & George in the supply wagon. He dismounts and walks over to Danforth, by his tent. DANFORTH Sheriff Cooper. Any trouble? MATTHEW None at all. Came up the same route and didn't see a soul. DANFORTH Good. MATTHEW Figure if I make one more run with 'em, whoever's out there'll get the message. DANFORTH I need you here. There's been a lot of strangers coming around, and I don't like the looks of 'em. (gestures) One of 'em's askin' for you. Matthew turns to see who it is. 15. +HIS POV - SULLY, STANDING BY THE HORSES. 19 +BACK TO SCENE 20 Surprised to see Sully, Matthew walks over to him. MATTHEW What're you doin' here? SULLY Preston's here -- I saw him leavin' town with two hired men... MATTHEW Hired? What for? SULLY He doesn't want that dam here. Looks like they're set on causin' trouble. MATTHEW (after a beat) Well, that's why I'm here. SULLY This guy Danforth -- you know what he's up to? MATTHEW Buildin' a dam. SULLY He's gonna blast out the mountain and destroy the land. MATTHEW He owns the land, Sully, he's got a right to build whatever he wants on it. SULLY What about the people who live below the dam, who won't be able to get water from the river? What about their rights? MATTHEW Look, Sully, I know you feel strongly 'bout this -- SULLY Don't you? (CONTINUED) 16. CONTINUED: 20 MATTHEW Sure, but I feel strongly 'bout doin' my job too. He starts to walk away. SULLY I'm just tryin' to help ya see what you're gettin' into -- MATTHEW I don't need your help. SULLY Matthew -- MATTHEW Fact is, I don't need ya here. Why don't you just go home? Matthew stares at Sully. He means it. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE 17. ACT TWO FADE IN: EXT. WOODS - DAY THREE 21 Sully rides his horse through the woods. He sees three horses roped to some trees, and hears men's voices. He stops, dismounts, and walks toward the sound. PRESTON (O.S.) We need to strike quickly -- make a clear demonstration of force. Sully peers through the trees: +HIS POV 22 Preston, Billy and Ray sit around a fire, plotting their next action. BILLY The wagon with the dynamite... RAY We fix it so it never arrives. When it reaches the pass, we ride out, just like before. I tell 'em to halt and get off the wagon... (to Billy) ...then you get on it and drive away and I finish 'em both off. Preston reacts, shocked, -- this is not what he intended: PRESTON You're not suggesting that we kill anyone? BILLY It's cleaner. No witnesses. PRESTON All you have to do is get rid of the dynamite so that Danforth can't start blasting. RAY He'll just order another shipment from Denver. But if we kill the drivers, no one'll want to bring a wagon in here. (CONTINUED) 18. CONTINUED: 22 PRESTON No. I'm paying you to stop this dam from being built -- nothing else. +WIDER ANGLE 23 Sully comes forward. SULLY What's goin' on here? BILLY (draws gun) What do you want? PRESTON (cautious) Don't worry, gentlemen. Sully is as much opposed to this dam as we are -- isn't that right, Sully? SULLY This is wrong -- you shouldn't be doin' this. Preston pulls Sully aside. PRESTON Sully. Awkward as it may be, we are on the same side here. And I need your help. Ride along with us. You can help keep those two in line. SULLY Forget it. PRESTON This is a temporary measure. I'm going to petition the circuit court for a restraining order, and I've wired people in Washington, but that takes time. If we remove the dynamite, we'll gain that time. And if you come along, we'll make certain no one gets hurt. Sully just looks at him. (CONTINUED) 19. CONTINUED: 23 PRESTON Sully, listen to me -- do you want that dam built? Sully doesn't say anything. But Preston knows he doesn't: PRESTON This is the only way. SULLY No it ain't. And he walks off, back towards his horse. INT. HOMESTEAD - DAY THREE 24 Mike's bustling about, trying to pack up Katie and get ready to leave for the clinic. Brian's at the table, a bowl of oatmeal in front of him, but he looks listless, depressed. MIKE Did you get all your school work done? Brian doesn't answer. MIKE Brian? Brian looks up at her. Mike gives him a concerned look. MIKE Is something wrong? Brian puts his spoon down and pushes away his bowl. BRIAN I'm just not hungry. Mike stops, turns and takes a good look at him. MIKE You don't seem your usual self. Brian shrugs, as she walks over and puts her hand on his forehead. (CONTINUED) 20. CONTINUED: 24 MIKE You're a bit warm. Perhaps you're catching what Katie had. Do you feel achy all over? BRIAN (shrugs) I don't know. MIKE Perhaps you should stay home from school today. (thinks a moment) I'll take you to the clinic with me. Brian looks up at her a moment, considering this, then nods quietly. Mike has Katie in one arm, and with the other, she helps Brian up and guides him out the door. EXT. DANFORTH CAMP - DAY THREE 25 Sully's talking with Danforth at the table in front of his tent. SULLY There's a wild orchid that grows in that valley that doesn't grow anywhere else. There're eagles in the trees, trout in the streams. They'll all be gone if you do this. DANFORTH I'm aware of that. Danforth looks stiff and uninterested, but Sully continues. SULLY I know it doesn't mean much to you, but it's gonna mean somethin' to your children, and their children. They might want to come here to hunt and fish and enjoy the beauty God created. DANFORTH What about the beauty man creates? Have you ever seen a dam in operation? It's a marvel of engineering. (CONTINUED) 21. CONTINUED: 25 SULLY Once you destroy this valley, there's no goin' back. DANFORTH It's obvious we're in disagreement. He starts to walk away. SULLY There're folks who want to stop you and they don't care what it takes. People could get hurt. DANFORTH (looks off toward other tent) Sheriff! Matthew comes out of the tent. DANFORTH I believe this man is threatening me. Matthew looks at Sully and reacts with frustration. What's Sully doing? Matthew turns to Danforth. MATTHEW I'll talk to him. Matthew takes Sully's arm and leads him away from Danforth's tent. Sully shakes free of Matthew's hand on him. MATTHEW I asked you to leave. SULLY Matthew, we gotta talk -- MATTHEW You gotta stop checkin' up on me. SULLY This ain't got anythin' to do with checkin' up on you -- we got other problems. MATTHEW Like what? SULLY Come with me and I'll show ya. (CONTINUED) 22. CONTINUED: (2) 25 MATTHEW Sully... SULLY Just come with me. INT. CLINIC - RECOVERY ROOM - DAY THREE 26 Brian's in the bed, as Mike brings him a cup of tea. MIKE Here's some willow bark tea. It'll help bring your fever down. BRIAN Thanks, Ma. MIKE Careful, it's hot. He blows on it, then sips. Mike smiles. She fluffs up the pillows behind him. MIKE Are you hungry? Would you like some soup? BRIAN No, I'm fine. She strokes his hair. MIKE It would be nice if you could take a nap. BRIAN I don't feel sleepy. MIKE Would you like me to read to you? BRIAN You don't have to. She goes to the table and picks up a book. MIKE How about "Robinson Crusoe?" My father used to read that to me, when I was sick and home in bed. (CONTINUED) 23. CONTINUED: 26 BRIAN I can read it myself. MIKE But I'd like you to rest your eyes. She sits down beside him in the bed. MIKE (begins reading) "Once, long ago, a boy named Robinson Crusoe lived in the city of York in England. His father, a well-to-do merchant, hoped that his son would follow in his footsteps and improve his fortunes." Brian snuggles next to her, enjoying the warmth and closeness and having her undivided attention. MIKE "But before he was well grown the boy told his father that he would be satisfied with nothing but going to sea." EXT. CASCADE VALLEY - DAY THREE 27 Sully and Matthew walk up the rise to the hill where, in "Rite of Passage," Matthew sat in a circle for his vision quest. SULLY Remember this place? MATTHEW 'Course I remember. Sully gestures toward a meadow. SULLY That's where we built the sweat lodge. Matthew looks toward the meadow, then walks to a tree. MATTHEW I had to climb this tree to get the egg of a red-tailed hawk. I got scratched real bad, and then Cloud Dancing made me do it again because the egg had a crack in it. (CONTINUED) 24. CONTINUED: 27 SULLY (smiles) I don't think I slept the whole three days you were on your vision quest. Your ma was so worried, she came riding out. MATTHEW On the last day, I was sitting in the sunlight, thinking about all the folks I love. And suddenly this hawk came and landed right beside me. It was amazin'. He looks around. MATTHEW All this'll be gone? SULLY (nods) No tree. No meadow. No hawks. +CLOSE ON MATTHEW 28 as it truly sinks in: what's about to happen. +ON SULLY 29 watching Matthew. SULLY Matthew, listen to me. Preston and his men want to make sure that shipment of dynamite doesn't get through. Matthew looks at him. But just then -- +WIDER ANGLE 30 Danforth appears and calls to Matthew. DANFORTH Sheriff! Matthew whips his head around and sees Danforth. Then he looks back at Sully. Matthew hesitates, torn. After a moment: MATTHEW I feel bad, Sully... but I gotta do my job. (CONTINUED) 25. CONTINUED: 30 He turns and walks away toward Danforth. +ON SULLY 30A as he watches Matthew join Danforth, disappointed. Sully makes a decision. INT. HOMESTEAD - DAY FOUR 31 Brian comes down the stairs, dressed for school. He pauses at the bottom of the stairs when he sees Mike in the kitchen feeding Katie. She looks over, sees him. MIKE Oh, Brian. I'm almost done feeding Katie, then we can ride into town. Don't forget your school books. Brian watches Mike continue to feed Katie, then: BRIAN I'm still feeling a little warm. Mike reacts and comes over to feel his forehead. MIKE Your fever's gone. BRIAN Are you sure? I'm kinda achy. Maybe I should stay home one more day. MIKE (gently) I definitely think you're on the mend, Brian. Why don't you just give it a try? I'll be at the clinic if you need me. She ruffles his hair and goes back to get Katie. +CLOSE ON BRIAN 32 He watches Mike and Katie, then moves to gather his school books. 25A. EXT. WOODS (SAME AS SCENE 21) - DAY FOUR 33 Preston, Billy and Ray are getting ready to take off. Sully rides up, joins them. Billy and Ray look at him suspiciously. Preston isn't sure what to expect. (CONTINUED) 26. CONTINUED: 33 SULLY (to Preston) Alright, we're gonna get that dynamite, to buy you some time, like you said. (to Billy and Ray) But, no shootin'. If one of you fires a shot, I'll be right on your back and haul ya to jail. They nod their agreement. EXT. ROAD - DAY FOUR 34 The wagon loaded with crates (supposedly containing dynamite) approaches the pass where it was ambushed before. The drivers, Pat and George, look nervous. EXT. THICKET 35 The four men watch the wagon. Sully turns to Billy and Ray. SULLY Remember, no shootin'. EXT. ROAD 36 The wagon moves up the road. Suddenly, Billy and Ray come riding down the hillside, guns drawn, and stop just above the wagon, with Sully behind them. BILLY Hold it! The wagon stops, the drivers scared. Ray and Sully ride closer. Ray gets off his horse and holsters his gun. BILLY Put your hands up. Ray cracks open the lid of one of the crates. RAY Wait a minute. What is this? There's nothing but straw inside. He opens another crate. More straw. RAY (angry) Where's the dynamite? 27. EXT. THICKET 37 Preston watches everything going wrong. EXT. ROAD 38 PAT I don't know. Ray pulls out his gun, points it at Pat. RAY You're lyin'! PAT They sent it on another wagon. On the Jamestown Road. What happens next happens fast. Ray cocks the gun. PAT It's true, I swear. Please... Ray shoots Pat in the shoulder. He drops to the ground, unconscious. Ray turns to George as if to shoot him. But Sully dives off his horse and lunges at Ray, knocking him to the ground. His gun goes off, firing into the air. George jumps from the wagon, hitting his head on a rock, which knocks him unconscious. Sully knocks Ray's gun away. They struggle with each other. Billy takes off on his horse. OMITTED (39-40) 40 EXT. THICKET 41 Preston watches, looking nervous and upset. +RAY 42 manages to break free from Sully, gets on his horse, rides off up the hillside. +ON SULLY 43 He examines George -- he's alive. Then he rushes to Pat and sees his wound isn't life threatening. Sully notices Preston starting to steal away, and calls to him: (CONTINUED) 28. CONTINUED: 43 SULLY Preston! They're alive! Get 'em to camp! Then Sully dashes up the hillside after Ray. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO 29. ACT THREE FADE IN: EXT. DANFORTH CAMP - DAY FOUR 44 There's an air of tension and turmoil as men hurry about. Matthew is questioning Preston. PRESTON I didn't see anything. By the time I arrived, the bandits were gone. Danforth comes out of the tent: DANFORTH We got the bullet out of him. They're both still unconscious -- we'll know more when they come to. The plan worked, Sheriff. Matthew nods. Danforth heads back in, glaring at Preston. He knows he's in trouble. MATTHEW How'd you happen to be there? PRESTON I was returning to town. MATTHEW With your friends? PRESTON Friends? MATTHEW The two men you were with. PRESTON No. They left earlier. They were riding in the opposite direction, towards Denver. MATTHEW Why'd they leave? PRESTON Our business was concluded. Matthew senses that Preston's lying, and presses on. MATTHEW So you were alone. (CONTINUED) 30. CONTINUED: 44 PRESTON Yes. I heard a commotion -- somewhere on the road behind me. Then I heard gun shots, so I turned and rode back. MATTHEW (not buying it) Lemme get this straight. You rode back toward the shots? PRESTON I was cautious. (beat) I kept out of sight until I was certain there was no one around but the drivers. MATTHEW Were they unconscious? PRESTON Yes. MATTHEW Preston, if you have information and you're keepin' it from the law... Then you're an accessory. They stare at each other. PRESTON I've told you what I know. EXT. TRAIL - DAY FOUR 44A Ray gallops along the trail. CAMERA PANS to find Sully a quarter-mile behind, galloping on his horse, trying to close the gap. OMITTED (45-46) 46 INT. SCHOOL HOUSE - DAY FOUR 47 Teresa is giving the students a written test in math. She walks up and down the aisle, watching them work. Tess, Sara, and the others are bent over their papers. Brian looks up from his and stares off into space, day dreaming. TERESA Time is up. Hand in your tests please. (CONTINUED) 31. CONTINUED: 47 Brian startles, looks back down at his paper and slumps. Teresa walks by. TERESA (surprised) Brian, you have not finished. BRIAN Sorry. She reaches for the paper. TERESA I must take it now. He hands it to her, a look of defeat on his face. EXT. CLINIC - DAY FOUR 48 Mike is walking a patient out of the clinic when she sees Brian pass by, lugging his schoolbooks unhappily. MIKE Hello Brian. BRIAN Ma. He tries to walk by, but stops when she asks: MIKE How was school? BRIAN (uncomfortable; he knows it's not true, but:) All right. MIKE Did you do well on your arithmetic test? BRIAN (beat, quiet) I failed. (CONTINUED) 32. CONTINUED: 48 Mike reacts, stunned. MIKE You failed the test? Brian nods, but says nothing. Mike stands there a moment in shock, trying to find a reason. MIKE Perhaps it was because you missed school? Brian shakes his head no. BRIAN I don't want to talk about it. MIKE Brian, you've never failed a test before. BRIAN (sullen) Well, I have now. He starts off, but Mike's voice stops him: MIKE We... we should talk about this. BRIAN (defensive) It's just one test. (beat, then) I gotta get home and do some chores. He leaves. Mike stares after him, perplexed and concerned. 33. EXT. STREAM - DAY FOUR 48A Ray crosses the stream on horseback. EXT. WOODS - DAY FOUR 49 Sully rides up, dismounts. Examines some tracks on the ground. Looks up toward the mountains, then gets on his horse and rides off. EXT. ANOTHER PART OF THE WOODS - DAY FOUR 50 Ray rides through the woods. His horse goes lame. He stops, looks around, considers his options, and runs off on foot. EXT. STREAM - DAY FOUR 51 Sully rides to a stream. Studies the tracks, trying to determine whether Ray went across the stream or continued along the bank. Sully decides to cross the stream. Starts wading through the water. EXT. DANFORTH CAMP - DAY FOUR 52 Matthew's sitting at the table, cleaning his gun. Danforth comes out of the tent and calls to him. DANFORTH The driver's just come to. Matthew stands and walks to the tent. INT. TENT - DAY FOUR 53 Pat, with his shoulder bandaged, is propped up on his cot. Matthew and Danforth sit near him. (George, unconscious with his head bandaged, lies nearby.) MATTHEW How many men were there? PAT Three. (CONTINUED) 34. CONTINUED: 53 Matthew and Danforth exchange a look. They assume it's Preston, Billy and Ray. MATTHEW Can you describe 'em? PAT Two of 'em were... I don't know -- they had hats and guns -- nothin' special. But the third one was different. MATTHEW How was that? (thinking of Preston) Was he dressed different? More fancy? PAT Kinda like an Injun. MATTHEW (puzzled) An Indian? PAT He wasn't an Injun, but he had long hair... brown hair... and a coat made out of that buckskin the Injuns use. +CLOSE ON MATTHEW 54 It dawns on him: Sully was with the outlaws? +BACK TO SCENE 54A DANFORTH Sounds like that man who was lookin' for you, Sheriff. Thought you took care of him. MATTHEW (steeling himself) Don't worry. I will. EXT. AMBUSH SITE - DAY FOUR 54B Matthew rides up to the ambush site, gets off his horse, looks around. He stoops and studies the tracks in the dirt. (CONTINUED) 34A. CONTINUED: 54B He comes across hoof prints leading away up the hillside. Two sets of prints. He gets on his horse and follows the path. INT. SCHOOL HOUSE - DAY FOUR 55 It's the end of the day and Teresa is alone at her desk, correcting papers. There's a knock at the door. TERESA Come in. (CONTINUED) 35. CONTINUED: 55 Door opens and Mike walks in. TERESA Dr. Quinn. Good afternoon. MIKE May I? TERESA Certainly. Mike walks toward Teresa's desk. MIKE (awkward) How are your classes going? TERESA Very well, thank you. I am getting to know my students better. It takes time. MIKE I'm sure. I... wanted to speak with you about Brian. He's always done well in school. Extremely well. TERESA Yes. MIKE I understand he failed his arithmetic test. TERESA He only completed half the test. MIKE What happened? TERESA I am not sure. I am glad you came to see me, because I wanted to ask... Is there something at home that could be troubling him? MIKE No. TERESA Sometimes, if there is a problem in the home, there will be a problem in the school. (CONTINUED) 36. CONTINUED: (2) 55 MIKE I assure you there's no problem at home. Perhaps there's a problem here... with another student... or.... TERESA With the teacher? MIKE He's never failed a test before. TERESA Brian and I have no problem. MIKE Then what do you suppose it is? TERESA Haven't you noticed... a change in him the past few weeks? Mike quiets, knowing this to be true. TERESA He is not paying attention. His mind wanders... MIKE That's not like Brian. TERESA Something is disturbing him. (beat) If you wish, I can talk to him and try to find out what... (CONTINUED) 37. CONTINUED: (3) 55 MIKE No. That won't be necessary. I'll talk to him. She rises and leaves the room. +OMITTED (56) 55A EXT. WOODS - DAY FOUR 57 Sully rides quickly along a hillside. He spots Ray climbing up a cliff a long distance away. EXT. STREAM - DAY FOUR 58 Matthew arrives at the stream where Sully stopped before. Matthew urges his horse through the water, then canters ahead along the bank. EXT. BOTTOM OF CLIFF - DAY FOUR 59 Sully rides to the bottom of the cliff, shades his eyes and looks up at the cliff. +HIS POV 60 Ray's at the top. He hoists himself up to a plateau. He looks down and spots Sully, and runs off. OMITTED (61-62) 62 +ON SULLY 63 He gets off his horse and starts climbing the rocks. He's going too fast and one of his hand-holds crumbles away from under him. He starts to fall and grabs a tree branch to brake himself. MATTHEW (O.S.) Sully! (CONTINUED) 38. CONTINUED: 63 Sully looks down. +WIDER ANGLE, INCLUDING MATTHEW 64 (Note that Matthew did not see Ray.) SULLY What are you doing out here? MATTHEW Come on down. SULLY The man who shot the driver -- he's up there. MATTHEW I wanna talk to you! SULLY He tried to kill 'em both. We gotta move fast. MATTHEW So you were there? SULLY Look, Matthew, I'll explain it to ya later. MATTHEW No, you'll explain it to me now -- SULLY It's not what you think -- MATTHEW You ambushed that wagon -- Sully climbs down from the rocks and comes to face Matthew. SULLY You don't know the whole story -- MATTHEW I know all I need to know. SULLY (points to cliff) You're lettin' him get away! (CONTINUED) 39. CONTINUED: 64 MATTHEW Forget about him! I'm talkin' to you, Sully. You were tryin' to steal the dynamite. SULLY To stop the dam. MATTHEW Two men are lyin' in camp in serious condition... SULLY I didn't shoot them. MATTHEW You haven't been honest with me since this whole thing started. You been tellin' me one thing and doing somethin' else. SULLY I was trying to make sure no one got hurt. MATTHEW That's my job. You shoulda let me handle this instead of takin' it on yourself. You're not the law. I'm the law -- and I'm arrestin' you! He takes out his handcuffs and goes to put them on Sully. SULLY (low, but firm) Put those away. Matthew hesitates, stares at Sully. Then he puts the handcuffs back. MATTHEW Let's go. They start walking back toward their horses. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE 40. ACT FOUR FADE IN: EXT. HOMESTEAD - DAY FIVE 64A Mike comes out of the homestead, holding Katie in her arms. She looks over toward the barn. +HER POV 64B Brian is chopping wood, stacking the pieces in the firewood pile. +BACK TO SCENE 64C Mike walks over to Brian, watching as he finishes chopping a log. After a moment: MIKE Brian... I went to see Mrs. Morales -- Brian pauses, looking up at her. BRIAN What? Why'd you do that? MIKE We were both concerned about you. And I've been thinking... Now that Colleen's off at school and Matthew's on his own, I've had to rely on you more for help. (he resumes chopping) There've been more chores. BRIAN (quiet) I don't mind. MIKE Are you sure? BRIAN Yeah. MIKE I want you to know that all of your hard work around here has made it possible for me to spend more time with Katie. And for that I'm grateful to you. (CONTINUED) 41. CONTINUED: 64C Brain nods, continuing to chop wood. Something is troubling him, and Mike thinks she knows what it is. She steps closer to him, her voice softening. MIKE But I realize now that your chores may be taking time away from your school work... BRIAN That's not it. MIKE (reacts, then:) Then what is it, Brian? What's troubling you? Brian stops working, the sound of his mother's gentle voice making it more difficult to suppress his emotions. MIKE I'm sorry I missed the spelling bee -- BRIAN That's not it, either. MIKE What is it, then, Brian? He looks up at her, hesitating. MIKE Please... tell me. Brian looks at Katie, then back up at Mike, meeting her imploring eyes... but he can't bring himself to say it. After a moment: BRIAN It's nothin'. (then) I love you, Ma. (CONTINUED) 42. CONTINUED: (2) 64C He steps over to her and hugs her, Katie between them. Mike hugs him back, holding him close... but there's still a distance between them, and it troubles her greatly as we: DISSOLVE TO: EXT. GENERAL STORE - DAY FIVE 65 Mike leaves the store with a basket of food, sees something that pleases her, and crosses to -- Matthew and Sully, who are riding toward the jail. MIKE Sully, Matthew, is everything alright up at the... She stops short, as she sees that all is not well between the men. They get down from their horses. MIKE What is it, what's wrong? MATTHEW I had to arrest Sully. MIKE For what? MATTHEW Attempted robbery. MIKE Robbery? SULLY I was tryin' to stop the dam. Things got outta hand... MIKE Surely you had other means. (CONTINUED) 43. CONTINUED: 65 MATTHEW There's legal ways... SULLY There wasn't time. Once they blast out the side of that mountain, it's gone forever. I wasn't gonna stand by and watch 'em do that. MATTHEW So you took up with those gunmen? SULLY They were plannin' an ambush. That's why I went... MATTHEW Takin' care of that is what I was hired to do -- SULLY Didn't want you to get hurt. MATTHEW That's my job -- it's my decision. Mike moves between the two men, trying to mediate and calm things down. MIKE Wait, just wait a minute. Sully, who were these men? SULLY The ones Preston hired. MATTHEW Preston says he had nothin' to do with this. SULLY He was there. MATTHEW Nobody else saw him. SULLY He made sure of that. Trouble is, he couldn't control those men. That's why I was there -- to make sure no one got hurt. The plan was to take the dynamite, I told 'em no shootin'... (CONTINUED) 44. CONTINUED: (2) 65 MATTHEW Come on! If you go ridin' up with guns -- there's always a chance somebody'll shoot. Sully looks at him, knowing he's right. MIKE Then what happened? SULLY When Ray saw we'd been tricked, he shot the driver cold. Then he tried to shoot the other one, but I pushed him out of the way. The gun went off but no one got hit. MIKE Sully... you might've been killed. Sully doesn't respond. Matthew looks at Sully, digesting what he's said. Mike walks over to Matthew. MIKE What do you propose to do now? Matthew thinks a long moment. MATTHEW I got no choice. I gotta wire the circuit court judge. Mike walks over to Sully and puts her arms around him. They hold each other. SULLY It'll be all right. OFF Matthew, a plan forming-- EXT. [GENERAL STORE - DAY SIX 65A Matthew walks up to the store (from the direction of the train station) and is about to go in, when Mike's voice calls to him: MIKE (O.S.) Matthew. Matthew turns to see Mike approaching from the clinic. MATTHEW (uneasy) Dr. Mike. (CONTINUED) 44A. CONTINUED: 65A Mike feels uneasy as well, the awkwardness of the situation weighing heavily on them. After a brief, uncomfortable beat: MIKE Did you wire the judge, yet? MATTHEW Yeah. He's comin' out tomorrow. Hearin'll prob'ly be in the afternoon. Mike nods, clearly troubled. Matthew reads her look, then steps close, lowering his voice, his conflicting emotions rising to the surface. MATTHEW I didn't wanna do this, Dr. Mike. You gotta know that. MIKE I know. MATTHEW I told him to stay out of it, but he wouldn't listen. He left me no choice -- MIKE Matthew... I know you're angry with Sully. And I understand that you're only doing your job. Matthew looks at her, relieved to see that she does see his point of view. But she has more to say about it: MIKE But I'm hoping that in doing so, you'll listen to all sides of the story, and investigate them fully. This quiets Matthew, gets him to thinking. Mike sees that it's had its effect. She puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder, then starts back to the clinic, leaving Matthew deep in thought.] OMITTED (66-69) 69 EXT. BANK - DAY SIX 70 Matthew and Preston walk out of the bank. (CONTINUED) 44B. CONTINUED: 70 MATTHEW I think you'd better tell me what happened out there. (CONTINUED) 45. CONTINUED: (2) 70 PRESTON I've told you. MATTHEW So did Sully. Preston doesn't break stride. PRESTON I stand by the account I've given you. Now, if you'll excuse me... He tips his hat, but Matthew takes hold of his arm. MATTHEW I know you planned that ambush. I put out a warrant for Ray and Billy. When they're caught... PRESTON (pretending to not know who he's talking about) Ray and Billy...? MATTHEW You were seen with 'em in camp. They match the description given by the drivers. PRESTON So? MATTHEW Folks saw you give 'em money. PRESTON For legitimate work they did at the spa. I have the receipts to document it. He starts walking again, but Matthew goes right with him. MATTHEW You hired them to ambush that shipment. Sully will testify against you. PRESTON It will be his word against mine. MATTHEW Exactly. (CONTINUED) 46. CONTINUED: (3) 70 PRESTON I'm a banker, a respected member of the community. He'll be a convicted felon by then. No one will believe him. MATTHEW I wouldn't bet on that. I got enough grounds right now to hold you in jail and let the judge decide which of you he believes. You wanna take that chance? They stare at each other. PRESTON Or? MATTHEW Or, you could testify at Sully's trial. PRESTON As to what? MATTHEW What you saw. That Sully tried to stop the shooting. Saved the drivers. PRESTON And you would... drop the matter at that? MATTHEW (considers) Like you said, I got no hard proof. (beat) Yet. Preston looks around, considering, then turns back to Matthew. PRESTON I'll be happy to testify in Sully's behalf, Sheriff. INT. CHURCH - DAY SEVEN 71 CLOSE ON a gavel pounding. PULL BACK to show JUDGE WEBSTER at the podium. JUDGE WEBSTER I find the defendant, Byron Sully, guilty as charged. (CONTINUED) 47. CONTINUED: 71 CLOSE ON SULLY, flanked by Mike and Brian. Matthew stands nearby. Sully is resigned, stoic. JUDGE WEBSTER However, because of the extenuating circumstances... +CLOSE ON PRESTON 72 watching. JUDGE WEBSTER I sentence you, Mr. Sully, to six months in jail, five months suspended, with one week off for time served. Three weeks in jail, starting today. He bangs the gavel and rises to leave the church. +ON SULLY AND THE FAMILY 73 They're relieved; it could have been far worse. Mike, Brian and Sully draw close together. Then Matthew steps over and motions for Sully to leave with him. EXT. CHURCH - DAY SEVEN 74 Preston hurries out toward town. Matthew walks out with Sully. Mike and Brian follow them out, along with several other townsfolk. They start the walk across the meadow towards town. EXT. CASCADE VALLEY - DAY SEVEN (STOCK) 75 An explosion erupts, blasting tons of rock and dirt into the air. EXT. TOWN - DAY SEVEN 76 Matthew and Sully walk down the main street to the jail. Mike and Brian are walking behind them. On either side of the street, townsfolk have come out to watch. +ANGLE - LOREN AND JAKE 77 watching in silence. Loren gives Sully a disappointed look. Sully meets his eyes. 48. EXT. CASCADE VALLEY - DAY SEVEN (STOCK) 78 A second explosion rips through the countryside. EXT. BANK - DAY SEVEN 79 Preston, in front of the bank, watches Sully go by. +ANGLE - SULLY 80 He and Preston exchange a look. EXT. CASCADE VALLEY - DAY SEVEN (STOCK) 81 A third explosion goes off. EXT. JAIL - DAY SEVEN 82 Matthew escorts Sully up the steps and into the jail. Sully turns back and gives Mike and Brian a hug. They're saying goodbye for three weeks, and they're all trying to keep up a brave front. INT. JAIL - DAY SEVEN 83 The cell door clangs shut. Sully and Matthew are alone, on opposite sides of the bars. MATTHEW Sully, I know you did what you had to do. He extends his hand. Sully clasps it. SULLY So did you. They look at each other a moment, and there's recognition, and acceptance. Then Matthew turns to go. +HOLD ON SULLY 84 watching Matthew walk away. FADE OUT. THE END ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ€Ê