TEASER FADE IN: EXT. TELEGRAPH OFFICE - DAY ONE 1 COLLEEN and BECKY come out of the telegraph office. Colleen's clutching an unopened letter. BECKY Open it. COLLEEN I can't. BECKY Sure ya can. COLLEEN I'm so nervous... BECKY Let's just see what it says. Colleen looks around, makes sure no one's watching. Starts to open it. Becky gives her an encouraging smile, but she's nervous herself, dying of curiosity. BECKY Go on. Colleen opens the letter and scans it. Then she jumps in the air and screams. Becky screams. They hug each other and laugh and scream all at once. EXT. HOMESTEAD - DAY ONE 2 BRIAN and SULLY are sitting on the porch, playing checkers. MIKE holds KATIE in her lap while she's shelling peas. COLLEEN (O.S.) Ma! Brian! Sully! They look up as Colleen comes flying toward them holding the letter. COLLEEN Colorado Seminary College. I got accepted! Mike, Sully and Brian react with joy, rush over to hug her. MIKE That's wonderful! (CONTINUED) 2. CONTINUED: 2 BRIAN I knew they'd take you. SULLY Congratulations! COLLEEN I still can't believe it. I keep reading this over and over. Brian takes the letter from her and reads it to himself. MIKE This is going to be the most exciting time for you, Colleen. You're going to meet bright young people from all over... We'll have to find you a place to live. COLLEEN They sent a list of rooming houses near the college. BRIAN Hey, you gotta be in Denver next week. SULLY That soon? Colleen takes the letter back and reads aloud. COLLEEN "Please arrive on the fourteenth to complete matriculation. Classes begin the seventeenth." She looks up, makes calculations. COLLEEN That's... a week from Friday. Oh, my gosh. I'm not ready. MIKE Don't worry. We're going to get you ready. SULLY Let's have some supper. (to Colleen) Or are ya too excited? COLLEEN (after a beat) I'm going to college! (CONTINUED) 3. CONTINUED: (2) 2 She jumps again and wants to hug everyone. INT. MIKE AND SULLY'S BEDROOM - NIGHT ONE 3 CLOSE ON Sully's face in a mirror. He's shaving, just finishing, preparing for what he hopes will be a romantic moment. +WIDER ANGLE 4 Katie's in her crib. Mike's in bed, starting to drift off to sleep. Sully comes over, sits down beside her, leans down and kisses her cheek. She stirs. He kisses her neck. MIKE Mmm. You smell nice. SULLY Ya sleepin'? MIKE Almost. (yawns) Sully slips her gown down and kisses her shoulder. SULLY I love your skin. MIKE Sully... SULLY Hmmm? MIKE I can't quite grasp it. She's actually going to leave. SULLY (kisses her) Denver ain't so far. MIKE I suppose that's true. Mike starts to kiss back, tentatively at first, then with more feeling... when... We HEAR the baby cry. A few peeps. Mike stops, waiting to see if Katie will go back to sleep, but she starts crying more. Sully tries to hold her attention, but Mike loses all interest in kissing. (CONTINUED) 4. CONTINUED: 4 MIKE (perplexed) I just fed her... An hour ago? SULLY Maybe she'll go back to sleep. MIKE She never has. SULLY She might. Just wait... But Mike disengages from Sully and goes to pick Katie up. Sully looks disappointed. MIKE Sweetheart. What's the matter? From a discreet angle, we see Mike put Katie to her breast. MIKE You're hungry again. She settles into nursing. Looks at Sully. MIKE I don't understand. For a while, she was going three hours between feedings. Now, it seems... (she doesn't want to face this) ...Since I've gone back to the clinic, she doesn't sleep as well. Wants to nurse more. Sully tries to reassure himself as well as Mike. SULLY She'll settle down. (he hopes) Soon. MIKE I'm sorry. Sully turns over to go to sleep. Katie stops nursing and starts to cry. Mike tries to comfort her, glances at Sully, then back at Katie. Nobody's happy, and she's in the middle. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER 5. ACT ONE FADE IN: EXT. GENERAL STORE - DAY TWO 5 Mike, holding Katie, is shopping with Colleen. LOREN brings out some dusty boxes of boots. EMMA is taking Colleen's measurements with a tape, jotting the numbers down. EMMA I can finish the coat and two dresses. Maybe three. MIKE By Friday? Are you sure? EMMA I don't have any other work. (embarrassed) Fact, you're the first customers to order a dress. LOREN It's about time, too. COLLEEN Well, I'm glad to be the first. Once people see your work, you'll have lots of business. LOREN (to Mike) With all you're orderin', this ain't gonna be cheap. MIKE Well, luckily, her grandmother sent a generous gift. LOREN Ah, Elizabeth. That lady has style. He holds out a pair of boots to Colleen. LOREN These are your size. COLLEEN I like the ones that come up higher. LOREN This is all I got. (CONTINUED) 6. CONTINUED: 5 COLLEEN Guess I'll take 'em. MIKE You could buy boots in Denver. They have lovely shops... the latest styles. COLLEEN I don't think I'll have time for shopping. LOREN Course you won't. MIKE Yes, you will. You don't want to spend all your time with your books. COLLEEN But that's what you did. MIKE And I regret it. There's a good theater in Denver, and concerts, and you'll want to have dinners with friends. That's part of your education also. The baby starts to fuss. Mike shifts her from one arm to the other, starts patting her back. MIKE (smiles) Part of me wishes I were going off to college again. Colleen reaches over and takes the baby from Mike. COLLEEN I feel bad, leavin' you right now. MIKE Don't give it a thought. COLLEEN But with Katie so young... MIKE We'll all be fine. COLLEEN I could wait 'til next year... (CONTINUED) 7. CONTINUED: (2) 5 MIKE Colleen, it never seems like the right moment to leave. There's always something pressing, some good reason to put things off. So, what you simply do is -- take a deep breath and go. Colleen smiles, imagining the moment when she'll step on the train and begin her new life. INT. CLINIC - DAY TWO 6 ANDREW is at the desk, looking through a medical book and making notes when Mike walks in with Katie. Andrew stands abruptly as Mike settles Katie in her crib in the corner. MIKE Good morning, Andrew. (motions him to sit) That's all right. ANDREW I was checking the dosage for Mr. Ford... the digitalis. MIKE Is he coming in today? (Andrew nods) We'll see how he's doing and adjust it if necessary. ANDREW Are you planning on staying the full day? MIKE Until about two. I'd appreciate it if you could take over after that. ANDREW Certainly. MIKE So this morning, if you have other business to attend to... ANDREW Actually, I was going to clean the instruments. MIKE You just did, the other day. (CONTINUED) 8. CONTINUED: 6 ANDREW I think they need it... if you don't mind. MIKE (she minds, a little) That's fine. Bell RINGS. Mike goes to open the door and lets in MRS. DARCY, leading her ten-year-old, MEG, by the hand. Meg looks pink and feverish. MRS. DARCY Dr. Quinn. Meg's feelin' poorly. She's real warm and her head's been hurtin'. Could you take a look? MIKE Of course. Meg, let's have you sit over here. Mike leads her to the examining table, as Mrs. Darcy catches sight of the baby and goes to look at her. MRS. DARCY Is this your baby? She's so pretty. (reaches down to stroke her) MIKE Thank you. (to Meg) Let me listen to your heart. She looks around for her stethoscope. Andrew has it around his neck. He takes it off and hands it to her. Mike unbuttons Meg's blouse, (she has a camisole underneath) and notices spots on the upper chest. MIKE Meg... did you have chicken pox when you were little? MEG I don't know. MRS. DARCY No. She never did. MIKE She has them now. (starts) Oh, no! (CONTINUED) 9. CONTINUED: (2) 6 MEG (frightened) Is it bad? Mike glances toward the corner. +MIKE'S POV 7 Katie, innocently lying in her cradle. +BACK TO SCENE 8 Mike hurries to the basin to scrub her hands. Tries to reassure Meg and her mother. MIKE No, you'll be fine. Just stay quiet, get lots of rest. Try not to scratch. (to mother) A warm bath with oatmeal will soothe the itching. She rushes to Katie, scoops her up, trying to cover her face with the blanket, and starts for the door. MIKE Andrew... could you... please? ANDREW Of course. She hurries out. INT. HOMESTEAD - NIGHT TWO 9 Mike is pacing, holding Katie protectively, as Sully tries to reassure her. MIKE What was I thinking? SULLY Take it easy. She's gonna catch the chicken pox some time. MIKE I'd rather it be when she's older, and stronger. SULLY She might not even get it. It was only a few minutes. (CONTINUED) 10. CONTINUED: 9 MIKE But it's highly contagious. SULLY Look, it could have happened anywhere. At the store, the cafe... MIKE (not listening) I never know who's going to walk in the clinic with something serious. Typhus, influenza. I can't possibly have her in the room. SULLY Well... How 'bout upstairs, in one of the recovery rooms? Sully puts his arm around Mike, kisses her cheek, but Mike seems oblivious. She takes the baby over to a cradle by the hearth and places her in it. Gently rocks her. MIKE Go to sleep, my angel. Yes, that's my sweet girl. INT. CLINIC - DAY THREE 10 Mike is slipping on her gown as Andrew packs away supplies. ANDREW How's Katie doing? MIKE All right, but as you know, there's no way to tell yet. The incubation period is two weeks. ANDREW I wouldn't worry. Babies her age -- even younger -- come through just fine. MIKE Colleen's going to watch her at home, until we can convert one of the recovery rooms into a nursery. ANDREW I had a thought... (hesitates) (CONTINUED) 11. CONTINUED: 10 MIKE Yes? ANDREW Have you considered trying one of those prepared infant foods? MIKE Heavens, no. ANDREW You could keep her at home and you wouldn't have to rush back to nurse. Bell RINGS. MIKE Excuse me. Mike goes to answer the door and lets in Loren. MIKE Good morning, Loren. Just have a seat. As Loren sits down, Mike goes to the basin to scrub her hands. Andrew approaches. ANDREW Some of the most eminent doctors in Boston recommend infant food when a woman can't supply breast milk. MIKE But that's not the case here. ANDREW They've had excellent results. LOREN (overhearing them) Are you talkin' about that Liebig's food? I could order some. Mike sets up the privacy screen in front of the table. MIKE Thank you, but my father believed very strongly that breast milk is essential for babies. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 12. CONTINUED: (2) 10 MIKE (CONT'D) He told his patients to avoid all varieties of so-called infants' food. (beckoning Loren to table) Now, let's see how you're doing. Loren disappears behind the screen with Dr. Mike. Andrew looks frustrated -- he hasn't been heard. EXT. HOMESTEAD - DAY THREE 11 DOROTHY, driving a wagon, pulls up to the homestead, where Sully's mending a fence. He helps her out of the wagon. DOROTHY Mornin', Sully. I brought ya a pot of stew. SULLY Thanks. Sure smells good. She lifts the pot from the wagon and Sully takes it, sets it on the porch, then goes back to mending the fence. DOROTHY Well, I figured you could use it. How're ya all doin'? SULLY Good. DOROTHY I bet you're tired. SULLY Not really. DOROTHY It's a big change. Sully shrugs. Dorothy senses that things aren't so smooth. She probes a bit more. DOROTHY There's a lot more work? And you don't get a night's rest... You lose your privacy. SULLY Yep. (CONTINUED) 13. CONTINUED: 11 DOROTHY Your wife's got less time for everybody else. SULLY That's true. DOROTHY I know it sounds crazy, but sometimes a father finds himself feelin'... well, jealous of the baby. Sully lets out a small laugh and nods in recognition. DOROTHY You're not the first man who's felt that way. (choosing her words) But there's certain things only a husband can provide. Sully is silent. DOROTHY (struggling to find words) I mean, after you were married... Well, I know... Michaela... It meant a lot to her. Sully shrugs and looks away. DOROTHY Well... Lemme tell ya something. After a woman gives birth, her attention kinda shifts. She's feeding the baby and her mind's fixed on it every hour of the day. So you just gotta help her a little. SULLY I don't wanna press her. DOROTHY 'Course not. But you can... court her. Sully stares at her. DOROTHY You remember how to do that. Sully considers this. Then he and Dorothy share a smile. 14. EXT. FIELD - DAY THREE 12 Colleen and Becky watch Andrew, to whom Colleen is giving a riding lesson. COLLEEN That's it -- just relax. BECKY Don't pull him so tight -- They react as Andrew falls off (off screen). Colleen goes to him, as Becky perches on a fence, watching. Andrew dusts himself off. COLLEEN Everybody falls off. BECKY (good-humored teasing) Even Colleen. COLLEEN I told him that. BECKY Ya just gotta get back on. Andrew hesitates, then hoists himself into the saddle. COLLEEN We'll take it slow 'til you get your confidence back. ANDREW I never had it to begin with. COLLEEN Just pretend, then. Walk him in a circle by yourself. Colleen lets go of the reins but Andrew's not ready. ANDREW Wait. Maybe this is enough for today. Don't you have things to do... It's only a week until you leave. COLLEEN That's all right. Andrew tries another stalling tactic. (CONTINUED) 14A. CONTINUED: 12 ANDREW Colleen, I haven't had a chance to tell you how happy I am for you. It's admirable -- women going to college and entering the professions. COLLEEN Thanks. But I'm feelin' kinda strange. I'm gonna miss my friends. My family. Working with Dr. Mike... and you. (CONTINUED) 15. CONTINUED: (2) 12 ANDREW We'll have lots of opportunities to work together. In fact, why don't we go back to the clinic now... (starts to dismount) COLLEEN Oh, no. Not 'til you ride in a circle by yourself. Reluctantly, Andrew signals the horse to walk forward. COLLEEN There ya go. ANDREW I'd feel better if somebody was up here with me. COLLEEN You can't ride very far that way. BECKY Walk him over here. Andrew turns the horse so it comes up beside Becky on the fence. She slips on behind him and holds onto his waist. Both laugh as they walk in a circle. ANDREW You see? He knows he'd better behave now. HOLD ON COLLEEN, watching them, amused and a little jealous. INT. HOMESTEAD - NIGHT THREE 13 Colleen's heating up Dorothy's stew. Brian's setting the table. Mike's in the arm chair, having fallen asleep while nursing Katie. Sully walks over to Mike, holding a piece of leather, and places his hand gently on her shoulder. SULLY Michaela? She starts awake. MIKE Oh! What... is it time for supper? SULLY Just about. I made ya somethin'. (CONTINUED) 16. CONTINUED: 13 He helps her to her feet and places the leather over her head. We can see now, it's an Indian-style baby sling. MIKE What's this? SULLY For the baby. He takes the baby from her and places it in the sling. SULLY Some of the Indian women carry their babies like this when they're cooking, or gatherin' wood. And the babies don't cry. MIKE Thank you. Let's see if she likes it. COLLEEN Supper's ready! BRIAN Good, I'm starvin'. They take seats, Mike carrying Katie in the sling. But Colleen remains standing. COLLEEN Would you excuse me? I've got a stomach ache... MIKE (concerned) You do? COLLEEN It's nothin', really. I just want to lie down. She walks upstairs. Mike and Sully exchange a look, then start passing food around and eating. MIKE This is wonderful, Sully. I can eat with two hands again. BRIAN Stew's great. There's a KNOCK at the door. They freeze. Sully goes to open the door. ZEKE walks in, taking off his hat. (CONTINUED) 17. CONTINUED: (2) 13 ZEKE Evenin', folks. Sorry to disturb ya. MIKE Good evening, Zeke. Would you like to sit down? ZEKE Thank you kindly, but it's... my boy. He fell off the barn roof. He's all right, but he's got some cuts. Might need a few stitches. Mike stands up, takes the baby out of the sling. BRIAN I'll take her. She hands the baby to Brian. Turns to Sully. MIKE This shouldn't take long. I'll be back before Katie's next feeding. She grabs a shawl and follows Zeke out the door. INT. FARM HOUSE - NIGHT THREE 14 Mike is bending over a boy about nine, SAM, whose face is covered with bandages soaked through with blood. The boy moans, as his MOTHER and Zeke look on. MIKE I'm going to open the bandages so I can take a look. You're a brave young man, Sam. She cuts the bandages and lifts them off. Looks closely, then turns to parents. MIKE These are extensive cuts. From the nose, all the way around to the ear. He needs a good many stitches. She reaches in her bag for chloroform. MIKE (to Sam) We're going to put you to sleep, and when you wake up, it'll all be done. (CONTINUED) 18. CONTINUED: 14 INTERCUT WITH: INT. HOMESTEAD - NIGHT THREE 15 Sully has Katie propped on pillows on the couch. Brian's playing her a song on his flute. SULLY She likes that music. BRIAN When you get older, Katie, we'll get you your own flute. Then we can play duets. SULLY You like havin' a little sister? Brian considers this, and nods. BRIAN Yeah. I'm glad I ain't the baby anymore. I'm the big brother. Brian resumes playing flute. Sully smiles. INT. FARM HOUSE 16 Mike finishes cleaning the wounds and is ready to start stitching. Mike searches through her bag. MIKE I'm going to use the finest thread, and the smallest needle. ZEKE Why's that? MIKE (to parents) Because it's his face, I want to make very small sutures. It will take more time, but there'll be less chance of scars. INT. HOMESTEAD 17 The baby's fussing. Sully jiggles her on his lap. Brian has one of her toys - a stuffed rabbit - and tries to distract her. (CONTINUED) 19. CONTINUED: 17 BRIAN Look. Here comes the bunny. Hop, hop, hop! SULLY Hang on, Katie. BRIAN Ma's comin' back real soon. The baby cries more. INT. FARM HOUSE 18 Mike is still stitching. It's hard, tense work, and she's perspiring. MIKE What time is it? Zeke looks at a clock or pocket watch. ZEKE Ten past midnight. MIKE (anguished) Oh, dear. I should never have left her. ZEKE Left who? MIKE I still have to suture the ear. INT. HOMESTEAD 19 Katie is now screaming. Sully paces with her. BRIAN Can't we give her somethin'? Milk from our cow? SULLY Nope. BRIAN I feel so bad. SULLY (frustrated) So do I, but there's nothin' we can do. Nothin'. (CONTINUED) 20. CONTINUED: 19 He walks back and forth again. Door opens and Mike rushes in. She makes a bee-line for the baby and sits down to nurse her. The baby immediately quiets down. Mike, stricken with guilt, looks at Sully and Brian. MIKE I'm sorry. (to baby) I'm so sorry, Katie. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE 21. ACT TWO FADE IN: INT. RECOVERY ROOM/NURSERY - DAY FOUR 20 Sully and MATTHEW are moving furniture to make room for the bassinet. Mike is folding diapers, with Katie in the sling. Sully sets the bassinet down. SULLY How's this? She'll be comfortable and out of harm's way. MIKE Let's see. Mike places Katie in the bassinet. Then she, Sully and Matthew stare at her. MATTHEW She likes it here. She's smilin'. MIKE Is she? SULLY Yeah, look. MIKE You're right. Sully and Mike put their arms around each other. It's as if they're looking at a rainbow. MATTHEW I gotta get going. Preston's got a shipment of silver comin' on the train. I'll stop by later. (he leaves) SULLY You all set now? MIKE Yes. But... what happens when I go downstairs? SULLY Well, you could leave the door open. (CONTINUED) 22. CONTINUED: 20 MIKE (nods) I'll be able to hear her. SULLY But what if you don't? If she gets stuck, or somethin' falls on her... MIKE And she can't cry... SULLY Maybe somebody oughta stay with her. MIKE Colleen's at the store, being fitted for her coat. Brian's working at Dorothy's... SULLY I'll watch her. MIKE You don't mind? Just for today? SULLY Why not? I can't help at the reservation anymore. And the trappin's no good. I'd have to travel real far to find anything... (glances at baby) Don't feel like doin' that now. MIKE I understand. SULLY (shifts uncomfortably) Gotta find some other work to do. MIKE You will. SULLY You're lucky that way. MIKE Lucky? SULLY Your course is set. Everything's clear. (CONTINUED) 23. CONTINUED: (2) 20 MIKE Oh, Sully, I'm not sure of that at all. Sometimes what seems clear can turn very cloudy. They hug, holding on to each other for comfort. INT. CLINIC - DAY FOUR 21 Andrew examines HANK, who sneezes and rubs his eyes. HANK It's never been this bad before. At night, I feel like I can't breathe. ANDREW The best cure for hay asthma is to remove yourself from all vegetation. Go to the ocean, or high in the mountains. HANK I can't just up and leave. Mike comes downstairs, nods to Andrew and Hank. Not wanting to interfere, she goes to her desk. ANDREW The next best thing is stramonium. Have you tried it? Hank coughs and shakes his head, no. Andrew reaches in the cabinet for a tin of leaves. ANDREW You smoke the dried leaves in a pipe or in cigarette form. Try it. (hands him tin) If that doesn't help, let me know. In a fit of coughing and sneezing, Hank takes the cigarettes. He slaps some coins on the table. HANK This cover it? ANDREW Yes, thank you. Hank leaves. Andrew takes a journal from his bag and brings it to Mike. (CONTINUED) 24. CONTINUED: 21 ANDREW Forgive my temerity, but I thought you might like to read this. Baron Von Liebig is a chemist, and after analyzing the composition of human milk, he devised a preparation that can be fed to infants. MIKE Andrew... ANDREW It's a mixture of wheat flour, malt flour, cow's milk and bicarbonate of potash to reduce the acidity. At least, take a look. In the interest of science? As if to humor him, Mike takes the paper and stuffs it in her bag. EXT. FIELD - DAY FOUR 22 Andrew rides between Colleen and Becky, taking it slow. COLLEEN You're doin' so much better. ANDREW That's because I have you two young ladies on either side. COLLEEN Pretty soon you'll be gallopin' across the meadow. BECKY You gotta stay in Colorado Springs 'til you can do that. ANDREW I'd like to stay. COLLEEN Dr. Mike might not say it, but she needs you here. ANDREW Don't worry, I won't leave until I'm booted out. (turns to Becky) And Becky, what are your plans, now that you've finished school? (CONTINUED) 25. CONTINUED: 22 BECKY I ain't sure. COLLEEN (teasing) She wants to get married. BECKY Colleen! COLLEEN Have lots of children. ANDREW I think that's admirable. BECKY You do? Andrew nods. Becky's flattered and embarrassed. COLLEEN But you said... you like to see women going to college. ANDREW I appreciate women who have talent and ambition. Your mother, for example. She's an outstanding doctor and I've learned a great deal from her. But... personally, well... Becky's getting uncomfortable. She shoots a look at Colleen, and tries to change the subject. BECKY Let's ride over to that big tree. COLLEEN (to Andrew) You were sayin'... ANDREW Maybe I'm a bit traditional in this respect, but... when a man comes home from his job, I think he'd like to find his wife there with a pleasant supper and the children all around her. ON COLLEEN, as she digests this. BECKY Come on, let's race. (CONTINUED) 25A. CONTINUED: (2) 22 ANDREW I can't race -- ! But she's off, and Andrew follows. Leaving behind Colleen, still thinking this through... 26. EXT. CLINIC - DAY FOUR 23 Mike is setting Katie in the wagon, placing her in a basket. ALICE comes up. ALICE Dr. Mike? My Pa's got somethin' troublin' him... The baby starts to cry. Mike rocks her in the basket. MIKE Shhh. We're going home now. (to Alice) Hello, Alice. ALICE He's got... I think it's a boil on his back. It's real big and it hurts him bad. But you know my pa, he doesn't want to see a doctor. The baby lets out a cry. Mike puts the stuffed rabbit in the basket with her. MIKE Here's your bunny. ALICE You think you could... stop by? But Mike is distracted by the baby. MIKE Katie, we're going for a ride. You love to ride in the wagon. (to Alice) A boil, you say? Can you get him to put hot compresses on it? ALICE We been doin' that. It just gets bigger. Mike tries to rearrange things on the wagon floor, so Katie will be more comfortable. MIKE Oh, dear. How 'm I going to do this? (to Alice) Why don't you go over to the boarding house and speak to Dr. Cook? ALICE He's out ridin' with Colleen. (CONTINUED) 27. CONTINUED: 23 MIKE All right, Katie. Here we go now. She swings up into the seat, reaches in her bag for a bottle of iodine and gives it to Alice. MIKE Use the hot towels and some tincture of iodine. If he's still uncomfortable in the morning, I'll ride out to your place. She pulls away, leaving Alice alone on the street. INT. HOMESTEAD - NIGHT FOUR 24 Mike and Colleen are packing a wooden crate with items she's taking to Denver: books, photographs, a few mementos. Mike hands her a photograph of the family. MIKE Here's a photograph of the family. COLLEEN (studies it) Katie's not in it. MIKE That's true. We'll have to get a new one taken and send it to you. As Colleen packs the photo, Mike takes down a book. MIKE Oh, and you'll want this. It's the best medical reference I've found. COLLEEN But don't you need it? MIKE I have others. I'd like you to take this. Colleen takes it but she seems uneasy. Lowers her head. COLLEEN Thanks. (CONTINUED) 28. CONTINUED: 24 MIKE Is something the matter? Colleen shrugs. MIKE Are you feeling a bit nervous? (Colleen nods) I understand. I felt the same way. I kept wondering, am I prepared well enough? Will I be able to keep up? COLLEEN It's not that. I mean, I know I'll have to work hard. (beat) What if I want to get married and have a family? MIKE Well, of course you'll want that. Most people do. COLLEEN But some men... might not like their wife goin' off to a job. MIKE Sully's never objected. COLLEEN Sully's different. MIKE Colleen, a man who doesn't respect your talent and your dreams wouldn't be the right partner for you. (Colleen shrugs) You've wanted to study medicine for so long. You're not thinking of giving it up? COLLEEN No. But I see how hard it is for you. MIKE Yes, it's a challenge. But women have always worked and raised their families. Look at Grace, with the cafe. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 29. CONTINUED: (2) 24 MIKE (CONT'D) Dorothy worked on the farm, milking cows and breeding chickens while she raised four children. Now she has the paper. COLLEEN You think there's other men who'd feel like Sully? MIKE I'm certain of it. Mike takes her by the arms, and Mike's intensity suggests that she's speaking to herself as well as to Colleen. MIKE You can be a doctor and a wife and mother. You can help others and raise your own family. You can do it, and you mustn't let anyone tell you that you can't. Colleen nods, reassured, but we can see from Mike's face that she's not convinced by her own words. INT. MIKE AND SULLY'S BEDROOM - NIGHT FOUR 25 Sully places roses in a vase on the nightstand by the bed. Then puts a gift box on Mike's pillow. Fluffs up the quilt. Sits down in the chair, keeping his eyes on the door. After a moment, Mike walks in, holding Katie. MIKE She had a good feeding. I think she'll sleep. Mike puts her in the crib. Then goes and sits on the bed, notices the gift and picks it up. MIKE What's this? (notices flowers) And roses. What's the occasion? SULLY You've been so busy. Things have been awful hectic. I haven't had a chance to tell you, I love you. She can't help but be touched. MIKE Oh, Sully. (CONTINUED) 30. CONTINUED: 25 SULLY Open the box. She unwraps the box. MIKE You didn't have to. She takes out a vial of perfume. MIKE Thank you. I haven't thought about perfume in a while. Sully takes it and opens it. Puts a dab on her wrist. SULLY Have I told you how beautiful you are? MIKE I'm afraid I don't feel very beautiful. SULLY You are. He kisses her finger tips, then her wrist. MIKE I don't know what it is... I just... I'm so tired, and it's a different sort of tired... (starts to cry) I'm sorry. SULLY (softly) Hey. There's nothin' to be sorry about. Come here. He takes her in his arms and just holds her as they lie down together, nestled like spoons. MIKE I love you so much. I'm sorry. He puts his finger to her lips. SULLY Shhhh. Everything's gonna be all right. 31. EXT. CLINIC - DAY FIVE 26 Mike drives up to the clinic in the wagon with Katie and Colleen. To their surprise, Alice is sitting on the bench outside, crying. MIKE Alice, what is it? Colleen goes to her friend and sits down beside her. INT. CLINIC - DAY FIVE 27 Andrew is operating on ALICE'S FATHER, with Dorothy beside him. Andrew's just finished removing a large carbuncle from the father's back as Mike rushes in with the baby. MIKE Why didn't you send for me? ANDREW There wasn't time. I saw a man die very rapidly from a carbuncle once it turned gangrenous. MIKE Carbuncle! I thought it was a boil. DOROTHY (to Mike) Thank goodness you're here. This is not my line of work. Let me take the baby. Dorothy takes the baby as Mike quickly scrubs her hands and goes to the table. Dorothy walks outside with Katie. ANDREW I think I was able to extirpate all the affected tissue. MIKE (shocked) I had no idea it was so large. ANDREW It's a good thing Alice brought him here. A few more hours and we'd have lost him for sure. Mike is devastated. ANDREW (turns to Mike) Would you... like to close? (CONTINUED) 32. CONTINUED: 27 He catches her eye and it's an uncomfortable moment. They both realize -- their roles have been reversed. Mike takes the needle and forces herself to begin stitching. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO 33. ACT THREE FADE IN: EXT. CLINIC - DAY FIVE 28 Colleen, holding the baby, and Alice sit on the bench outside. Door opens and Andrew comes out, followed by Mike. ANDREW I believe he's going to be all right. Alice lets out a cry of relief. ANDREW He's woken up, and his fever's down. That's a very good sign. ALICE Can I see him? ANDREW I'll take you up. He escorts Alice into the clinic. Mike sinks down on the bench, sick with remorse. Colleen looks at her a moment. COLLEEN You didn't know. MIKE I wasn't paying attention. COLLEEN Alice didn't know herself. MIKE Katie was tired. I didn't want to subject her to a long ride... So I let that color my judgment. COLLEEN Ma... MIKE If Andrew hadn't been here... COLLEEN But he was. You always tell me: do your best, that's all you can do. Mike lets out a sigh. Becky walks up. (CONTINUED) 34. CONTINUED: 28 BECKY Hey, Colleen. Dr. Mike. COLLEEN Hey, Becky. But Mike says nothing, lost in her thoughts. BECKY I can take her now. COLLEEN Thanks, but... I'll go later. MIKE (looking up) Go where? COLLEEN I was gonna have a fittin'... the dresses. Becky was gonna watch Katie. But I don't have to. MIKE No, please. Go along. I want you to. BECKY I'll take good care of her. (takes Katie) I love babies. Colleen hesitates, gives Mike a concerned look. Mike nods for her to go, and she heads for the store. INT. HOMESTEAD - NIGHT FIVE 29 Mike is poring over medical books and journals. Everyone else has gone to sleep. After a beat, Sully comes down the stairs and walks to her. SULLY It's late. Why don't ya come to sleep? MIKE It's so comforting when all the research and statistics lead to a clear conclusion. (beat) Which is not the case here. She picks up a book by William Buchan (pronounced Buck'n) -- the Dr. Spock of his day -- and reads from it. (CONTINUED) 35. CONTINUED: 29 MIKE Dr. Buchan says, "Every mother ought to nurse her child if she's fit to do so... It is a noble and holy office, to which she is appointed by God." SULLY Sounds pretty clear. MIKE (picks up journal) But Dr. Cutler says that cow's milk mixed with water and sugar is an acceptable substitute. (picks up other journal) But Baron Von Liebig disagrees. He says cow's milk is too acidic, that's why he adds potash to his formula. Sully takes the papers from her and sets them on the table. SULLY What's your instinct tell ya? MIKE I know in my heart what's best for Katie. I'm only considering infant food because it would be convenient for me. SULLY That's gotta count for somethin', doesn't it? What's good for the mother? MIKE (considers) Well, they do say that emotion and strain can affect your milk. If you're weak and tired, your milk won't contain the nourishment your baby needs. (beat) I'm certainly tired. SULLY Why does it have to be one or the other? You can stick to nursin', and once in a while, when there's an emergency, we'll try the food. MIKE Sounds so simple. (CONTINUED) 36. CONTINUED: (2) 29 SULLY What's wrong with that? MIKE (smiles) Why didn't I think of it? He takes her hand and pulls her to her feet. SULLY Come on. INT. SULLY AND MIKE'S BEDROOM - NIGHT FIVE 30 Mike is lying on her stomach. Sully has his shirt off and is rubbing her back, running his hands over her gown, but Mike still has her mind on infant food. MIKE Loren just got his order of Liebig's food. SULLY Mmm. MIKE I should probably try it before we need it. See how she reacts. SULLY How's that feel? MIKE Good. Or perhaps I should wait and send for Nestle food... She squirms a little and laughs. MIKE That tickles. He lets his hands rest on her back. Then starts to move them carefully. He rubs her shoulders, working out the knots. She starts to let go of the tension she's holding, and makes sounds of relaxation and relief. MIKE There. Right there. Yes. The massage becomes more sensual. MIKE That feels wonderful. He leans down and kisses her back. She sighs with pleasure. (CONTINUED) 37. CONTINUED: 30 MIKE Sully... He's got her now, and he smiles. And at this magic moment, we HEAR the baby CRY. Sully's hands stop in mid-flight. Mike freezes. The crying continues. Mike sits up, pulls her gown or robe around her and goes out of frame to the baby. HOLD ON SULLY -- frustrated, resigned. INT. GENERAL STORE - DAY SIX 31 Becky watches Colleen try on her new coat. Emma places a beautiful hat on her head. Colleen looks elegant. Becky is awed. Colleen studies herself in a mirror, poses and makes faces. Then she stands up straight and proper, and extends her arm, as if at a formal reception. COLLEEN How do you do. I'm Colleen Cooper. Emma brings out a pair of gloves. EMMA Try these. Colleen continues her play-acting as Emma helps her slip on the gloves. COLLEEN Pleased to meet you. I'm preparing to study medicine. Yes, I know that's unusual. She and Becky crack up. BECKY You're gonna knock their eyes out. Colleen flings off the hat and coat. COLLEEN Thanks, Emma. I just love everything! She takes Becky's arm and they start out of the store. 38. EXT. STORE - DAY SIX 31A BECKY Wish I was goin' with ya. Colleen stops and faces her. She's tentative at first and then more and more excited. COLLEEN Why don't you come? You could apply for a scholarship next term? Becky shakes her head 'no.' COLLEEN Why not? BECKY I don't have the grades you do. COLLEEN That won't matter, if you do well on the exams. We could live in the same boarding house. Have rooms right next to each other. BECKY I don't think so. COLLEEN Come on, Becky. It'd be so much fun. BECKY I kinda feel like stayin' here. (beat) I'm gonna miss you. COLLEEN (disappointed) Well, you've gotta come visit me then. And I'll be coming home a lot. BECKY I bet ya won't. You're gonna make new friends and learn all kinds of things and you won't be interested in folks back here. COLLEEN That's not true. You'll always be my best friend. BECKY Think so? (CONTINUED) 39. CONTINUED: 31A COLLEEN You gotta promise -- you'll always be my friend and I'll always be yours. No matter what. BECKY (after a beat) Promise. They hug each other. But despite the intensity of the hug, they can feel time's winged chariot hurrying near, about to carry them in different directions. INT. HOMESTEAD - DAY SIX 32 Mike is crouched beside Katie in the cradle. Door opens. Sully comes in and Mike jumps to her feet. MIKE Sully, I'm so glad you're here. SULLY What's wrong? MIKE It's Katie. I tried giving her some infant food. Just a small amount, but it disagreed with her. She spit it up and started crying. I just got her to sleep. SULLY She gonna be all right? MIKE Yes, I think so. SULLY (relieved) Maybe we can try a different kind. MIKE I can't do it Sully. SULLY All right, we'll forget the infant food. Come sit down. He tries to lead her to the couch. MIKE I went into this blind. Willfully blind. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 40. CONTINUED: 32 MIKE (CONT'D) I didn't want to think about what would happen when a patient sent for me at night and I had to feed the baby. I just went ahead with blind faith that things would work out. But Katie's suffering. My patients are suffering. I almost cost a man his life. (beat) And you... SULLY Don't worry 'bout me. MIKE But I can't be the wife I want to be. SULLY Michaela, we haven't had that much time yet. We're just gettin' used to things. MIKE I'm not sure I want to tear myself in so many pieces. Run up and down the stairs between my patients and my baby. SULLY We'll figure this out. MIKE I don't want to leave Katie. Look at Colleen. It seems as if, just yesterday, I was quizzing her for the spelling bee. I took a breath and now she's going off to college. SULLY What're you sayin'? MIKE I'm saying... (beat) I'm thinking of turning my practice over to Andrew. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE 41. ACT FOUR FADE IN: INT. CLINIC - DAY SEVEN 33 Mike is putting on her apron. Andrew is measuring medicine from jars into bindles. ANDREW No Katie today? MIKE She's at home. There's something... I want to discuss with you. ANDREW I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you. Mrs. Darcy stopped by with Meg. She's completely well. MIKE I'm thinking of making a change... ANDREW Yes? MIKE I won't be coming in... as often. A few hours in the morning. Could you be available at other times? ANDREW Of course. Is that just this week? Or... MIKE This week, yes, and then... Door opens and Hank comes in. He's having a hay fever attack. One of his eyes is swollen shut, and he's sneezing. HANK Hey, Doc! Look at this! Andrew and Mike walk toward him. HANK My eye's swollen shut. My nose is runnin' like a river and I can't stop sneezin'. (CONTINUED) 42. CONTINUED: 33 ANDREW Did you take the belladonna I gave you yesterday? HANK Yeah! And I kept usin' them leaves like you told me, just in case they decided to work. But they didn't. I'm worse! ANDREW We could try strychnine, but we'd have to be cautious... MIKE I have something that will help you. She goes to the cupboard and takes out a package of dried herbs. Opens it and puts some in a packet. HANK What's that? MIKE Stinging nettles. You brew them in a tea and drink it every few hours. You'll get immediate relief. ANDREW Stinging nettles? MIKE It's something I learned from the Cheyenne. ANDREW (surprised) You're using an Indian remedy? MIKE I use what's effective. I was skeptical when I first came here, but I've tried many of the herbs on myself and my family and they've worked. HANK I'll take anything. (grabs packet) If it helps me breathe. He leaves. Mike and Andrew exchange a look. 43. OMITTED (34-36) 36 EXT. HOMESTEAD - DAY EIGHT 37 Mike is playing with the baby, holding her up in the air and cooing to her. She's enjoying the luxury of being with the baby when nothing else is pressing her. She starts walking toward the corral, picks a flower and shows it to Katie. She walks a few more paces, stops and stares down the road that leads to town. Looks wistful. She turns around to walk back to the house. After a few steps, she hears something and turns around. +ANGLE 37A Hank rides up and dismounts. Mike goes to greet him. Hank looks better -- his eye's back to normal. HANK Hey Michaela -- (to Katie) Hiya cutie. MIKE Well, you're feeling better. HANK Them Indian nettles worked. After two days, I can breathe again. He takes an exaggerated deep breath, enjoying the simple pleasure of taking air into his lungs. MIKE That's wonderful. Did you come all the way out here to tell me that? HANK (makes excuse) I, uh, had to ride out this direction... (beat) I couldn't even ride before, without collapsin'. Breathin's one of those things you don't never think about -- 'til ya can't do it. I... 'preciate... MIKE I'm glad I was able to help you. (CONTINUED) 43A. CONTINUED: 37A HANK You're the only one who could. There's an awkward beat. MIKE Well, thank you, Hank. (CONTINUED) 44. CONTINUED: (2) 37A HANK Heard you're not gonna be comin' to work so much. MIKE Yes, that's true. HANK (indicates baby) I was thinkin', if you wanted to bring her with ya to the clinic, I could have my girls look after her, when things are slow. MIKE (touched) That's very kind. I'll keep it in mind. He nods and gets on his horse to leave. HANK Folks in town are gonna miss ya. He looks at her, then waves and rides away. CLOSE ON MIKE, as she watches him, reflecting on what he's said. INT. COLLEEN'S ROOM - DAY EIGHT 38 Mike and Colleen are packing her suitcase with clothes. Mike holds up a dress, but Colleen's daydreaming, staring out the window. MIKE Does this fit you? It looks a little small. (beat) Colleen? COLLEEN (starts) Hmm? MIKE Do you want to take this dress? (CONTINUED) 45. CONTINUED: 38 [COLLEEN Oh... sure. MIKE Is everything all right? COLLEEN] I had a stomach ache again last night. Couldn't sleep. MIKE Could it be something you're eating? COLLEEN (shakes head no) My stomach seems to hurt more... the closer it gets to Friday. MIKE (sympathetic) Mmmm. COLLEEN How can I leave, when everything I love is here? If I go, it's gonna change my whole life. I got the feeling I'll never be sitting here again, on this bed. MIKE I know what you mean. COLLEEN I want to go so badly, but... She shakes her head, can't get the words out. MIKE You're frightened? Colleen nods, fighting to hold back the tears. MIKE That's because you're stepping into the unknown. (CONTINUED) 45A. CONTINUED: (2) 38 Mike takes the silver hair brush from the dresser and starts to brush Colleen's hair. MIKE But the unknown can also be a great adventure. If you follow your heart, and trust... (CONTINUED) 46. CONTINUED: (3) 38 COLLEEN But nothing's gonna be the same. MIKE You're right. Nothing is ever the same, Colleen. Everything changes. But change can be good. COLLEEN I remember... the first time you did this. MIKE You do? COLLEEN I was telling you about a problem I was having... and you picked up the brush and... (breaking) I love you. The tears come pouring out. Mike puts her arms around her. MIKE I love you too. Very much. Both are crying now, holding each other. We sense it's a catharsis for both of them. INT. HOMESTEAD - NIGHT EIGHT 39 The family's at the table as Mike, with Katie in the sling, brings out dessert -- an angel food cake. She sits down beside Brian. Sully's across the table, with Colleen. COLLEEN What's this? MIKE Surprise. BRIAN Angel food! My favorite. Mike cuts a slice and passes it to Brian. MIKE I made it this afternoon. Katie watched me stir it. BRIAN You look happy, Ma. (CONTINUED) 47. CONTINUED: 39 MIKE (considers) I am happy. I feel like I've been in a fog, or... under water. I couldn't see a foot in front of me, and now, it's... clearing. SULLY Lookin' after Katie agrees with you? MIKE Yes. But so does practicing medicine. I mean, it's as natural to me as breathing. When I'm with Katie, I find myself thinking about my patients and how they're doing. And when I'm at the clinic, I find myself thinking about Katie. COLLEEN So what're you gonna do? MIKE (looks at Sully) Well, as you said, why does it have to be one or the other? I've been looking for an answer, a solution. But there is no perfect solution. I'll have to cobble something together, a day at a time. (to everyone) But if you'll help me... SULLY Course we'll help ya. BRIAN I'm proud you're a doctor, Ma. SULLY So 'm I. Mike hugs Brian, catching Colleen's eyes across the table. INT. CLINIC - RECOVERY ROOM/NURSERY - DAY NINE 40 Mike and Colleen come in, Colleen holding the baby. MIKE There's a new dictionary I've been reading about... (MORE) (CONTINUED) 48. CONTINUED: 40 MIKE (CONT'D) (stops in tracks) What's this? +HER POV: 41 Dorothy and Becky are putting quilts and dolls about the room. DOROTHY This is a home for Katie and Dr. Mike. BECKY Doesn't it look cheerful and cozy? MIKE (overcome) It's lovely. BECKY (points) This used to hang in my room, when I was little. MIKE Thank you. We'll take good care of it. COLLEEN What smells so good? DOROTHY (points to covered pot) Grace cooked you a turkey. If you're careful -- oughta last a few days. COLLEEN I feel like movin' in here myself. DOROTHY You've got bigger fish to fry. Can we go over to the paper? I want to do a story about you. COLLEEN Me? DOROTHY You're the first young lady from Colorado Springs to go away to college. (CONTINUED) 49. CONTINUED: 41 BECKY Come here, Katie. Becky takes the baby from Colleen, turns to Mike. BECKY Any sign of chicken pox? MIKE No. I think she'll be fine. DOROTHY This article about you is gonna be such an inspiration, Colleen... Dorothy leaves. Colleen hangs back, reluctant to leave. BECKY Now that school's out, I could come in and help you with the baby every day. MIKE That's a wonderful idea. I'd want to pay you, of course. BECKY You don't have to... MIKE I insist. COLLEEN See ya in a while. Colleen starts to leave, then she turns and looks back. +HER POV 42 Becky and Mike are bent over the baby, as Mike shows Becky the baby's favorite bunny. +ON COLLEEN 43 She smiles, happy to see things under control, but there's a fleeting recognition -- mildly disturbing -- that Becky's stepping into her place. DISSOLVE TO: 49A. EXT. TRAIN STATION - DAY TEN 44 Mike (with Katie), Sully, Brian, Matthew and Emma, Andrew, Becky, Dorothy, Loren, Hank and assorted townsfolk are seeing Colleen off. Matthew is lifting Colleen's bags onto the train. (CONTINUED) 50. CONTINUED: 44 MATTHEW Denver's a big place. It ain't like it is here. COLLEEN I know that. MATTHEW There's a lot more folks passin' through. You don't know 'em and they don't know you. COLLEEN Matthew, please don't worry. MATTHEW If somethin' happens... if you need anything -- you wire me. I'll be there on the next train. COLLEEN Thanks. (hugs him) You're the best big brother... They hold each other a moment, then Colleen moves down the line of people gathered to say goodbye. She hugs Becky. COLLEEN Don't forget your promise. BECKY I won't. Don't you forget. Colleen hugs her, then hesitates in front of Andrew. He reaches out and shakes her hand. ANDREW Good luck. Then she comes to Brian. He's looking down, fighting back his emotions. She takes his chin gently in her hand, turns his face to hers. There are tears in his eyes. She flings her arms around him, hugs him tight. After a moment, they let each other go. She looks at him and says softly: COLLEEN I'll be back soon. (then) I'm not leavin' you. Brian nods, smiles. She hugs Brian and then comes to Sully, who takes her arm. (CONTINUED) 50A. CONTINUED: (2) 44 SULLY Have yourself a good time. And whenever you feel like comin' home to visit... We'll all be waitin' for ya. (CONTINUED) 51. CONTINUED: (3) 44 COLLEEN Thanks, Sully. She comes to Mike, who hands her a velvet box. MIKE This is for you. COLLEEN What is it? She opens the box. Takes out an elegant writing pen. COLLEEN It's beautiful! MIKE My father gave it to me when I went away to school. Colleen is touched. She knows how precious the momento is to Mike. MIKE He would have been proud to see his granddaughter starting college. COLLEEN Thank you. Thank you for everything. She hugs Mike. WHISTLE BLOWS. Colleen steps onto the train and turns to wave. People call to her. "Goodbye, Colleen." MATTHEW Don't work too hard! MIKE Remember to buy yourself some boots! Colleen nods, trying hard to keep up a brave front. COLLEEN (nearly chokes up) Bye, everybody! Goodbye! +COLLEEN'S POV: 45 The train starts moving and we see the crowd grow smaller and smaller. 52. +REVERSE ANGLE 46 The train, with Colleen, as it chugs out of town. +ANGLE - THE FAMILY 47 Mike has been holding herself together, but she can't any longer. Tears fall. Sully puts his arm around her. Then Matthew and Brian join in the hug, enfolding Katie. The family seems to draw together more tightly. INT. SULLY AND MIKE'S BEDROOM - NIGHT TEN 48 Sully's sitting on the bed, pulling off his moccasins. Mike comes up from behind and puts her arms around him. She kisses his neck. Sully turns and looks at her, asking with his eyes. She answers by kissing him, wrapping her arms around him. They sink back down onto the mattress, kissing gratefully. And at this wonderful magic moment they've been awaiting for more than three months, we HEAR the baby let out some peeps. Sully freezes, but Mike keeps kissing him. MIKE She'll go back to sleep. SULLY She never has. MIKE I had a talk with her. SULLY You did? MIKE I told her, your mother and father need a little time to rest, too. SULLY She understood that? MIKE Mmm hmm. Sully and Mike laugh softly and sink into a delicious embrace. He pulls the bedspread up over them until they're completely covered. FADE OUT.