DR. QUINN, MEDICINE WOMAN "Reunion" Written by Melissa Rosenberg Directed by Gwen Arner CBS ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCTIONS Prod. #2244-0422 in association with PRODUCTION DRAFT THE SULLIVAN COMPANY February 8, 1996 (C) MCMXCVI Rev. Blue, February 13, 1996 CBS Inc. Rev. Pink, February 15, 1996 All Rights Reserved Rev. Yellow, February 20, 1996 Rev. Green, February 21, 1996 Rev. Goldenrod, February 22, 1996 CBS INC. IS THE AUTHOR OF THIS PROGRAM FOR THE PURPOSE OF COPYRIGHT AND OTHER LAWS No portion of this material may be copied or distributed without the prior consent of CBS Inc. DR. QUINN, MEDICINE WOMAN "Reunion" Cast List MICHAELA QUINN SULLY MATTHEW COLLEEN BRIAN LOREN DOROTHY ROBERT E GRACE CLOUD DANCING BECKY DOCTOR MIRIAM TILLSON FEATURED EXTRAS: A FEW MEN CARRY PRINTING PRESS *GIRL HELPS BECKY (SAME AGE) P. 37 BACKGROUND: TRAIN PASSENGERS TOWNSFOLK ANIMALS: WOLF DOE WITH FAWN (STOCK) REVEREND OMITTED TEASER FADE IN: INT. CLINIC - DAY ONE 1 CLOSE ON a photograph of Mike's medical school graduating class, which sits on a shelf on the wall. A dust rag flies over it as we PULL BACK to find MIKE doing a quick cleaning of the already spotless clinic. She's dressed for a festive occasion, bubbling with apprehensive excitement. SULLY watches her from the doorway, an amused smile on his face as Mike rearranges the items on her desk. SULLY Place looks fine. MIKE Yes, I know, I'm just doing some last minute... sprucing. Sully steps up behind her, wrapping his arms around her to calm her. She settles, surveying the clinic. MIKE You don't think it looks too... rustic, do you? Sully turns her around to face him, answering her question with a gentle kiss. SULLY You should get to the station. Train's gonna be here any minute. Mike glances at the clock, then back at Sully and nods, her nervousness building. He gives her a soothing smile. SULLY Nothin' to worry about. MIKE Who's worried? Mike starts out, pausing briefly at the window to readjust the curtains. Sully just shakes his head and follows. INT. OLD TELEGRAPH OFFICE/GAZETTE - DAY ONE 2 DOROTHY winces as ROBERT E and a few MEN (as many as needed) struggle to carry in an immense PRINTING PRESS from a wagon parked outside. They try their best, but still can't help slamming it into the doorway and walls, groaning under its weight. (CONTINUED) 2. CONTINUED: 2 DOROTHY This way gentlemen... over here. The men struggle to put the press in place. But just as they set it down: DOROTHY Wait... They freeze. Dorothy gives them her most apologetic smile, feeling terrible about what she's about to say... DOROTHY I'm sorry, but... I think it might be easier to operate if it was over there. She gestures, and the men go back to work, grunting and groaning as they move the press. Dorothy jostles to get out of their way. She moves over to the doorway, where LOREN steps up, watching the action, but making no move to assist. LOREN What the devil is that? DOROTHY My new printin' press. Bought it second hand from a fella in Denver. LOREN You know how to work that thing? DOROTHY I'll learn. Loren studies the press a moment, shakes his head skeptically. LOREN Awful big. The men lug the press into place with a heavy thud, then, with winded and weary expressions, they look to Dorothy for approval. Dorothy smiles... but Loren points to the original location they placed it. LOREN Look better over there. As Robert E glares at Loren... 3. EXT. TRAIN STATION - DAY ONE 3 Mike waits on the platform with Sully, COLLEEN and BRIAN (Colleen and Brian are dressed nicely and share Mike's excitement). MATTHEW comes over from the telegraph office. MATTHEW Train's on schedule. Mike takes a settling breath, finally admitting: MIKE I didn't realize I'd be so nervous. COLLEEN I think it's excitin', seein' your best friend from college. MATTHEW Ten years is a long time -- He's cut short by the TRAIN WHISTLE, which BLOWS in the distance. Mike's eyes light up as she turns to the sound. MIKE That's her! +ANGLE ON THE TRAIN 4 coming around the bend, WHISTLE BLOWING. +BACK TO THE FAMILY 5 MIKE (suddenly remembering) The flowers, the flowers... Matthew hurries over to a bench and picks up a bouquet of flowers, which he quickly hands to Mike. Sully puts his hand on Mike's shoulder. SULLY Take it easy. She's your friend, remember? Mike smiles, settling a bit, as the train pulls to a stop. As the PASSENGERS begin disembarking: COLLEEN (to Mike, quickly) Wait... How do we... I mean, what do we call her? Mike's reply comes as she sees someone very familiar stepping off the train. (CONTINUED) 4. CONTINUED: 5 MIKE (smiling) Doctor Tilson. +ANGLE ON MIRIAM TILSON 6 stepping off the train. She's attractive, wearing a dress and hat that set her apart from the crowd (Note: Miriam's wardrobe throughout should be striking, yet within the limits of acceptable fashion). In her hands she carries a medical bag. MIRIAM Michaela! MIKE Miriam. They move to each other and embrace, a private moment. MIRIAM Side by side, ten years later... as promised. MIKE Ever since we made that vow at commencement, I've often wondered if it would actually happen. Mike hands Miriam the flowers as the two exchange a warm, reflective smile. Miriam breaks the moment as she steps back to survey Mike's stomach. MIRIAM Look how big you are! (sees Sully) You must be Sully. Sully nods, shakes her hand. MIRIAM (sidelong glance to Mike) He's even more handsome than you described. Mike laughs, embarrassed. Miriam turns to Brian, extending her hand. MIRIAM Let me see... Brian? He nods. She shakes his hand, then turns to Matthew. (CONTINUED) 5. CONTINUED: 6 MIRIAM And Matthew. (shaking his hand) Congratulations, Sheriff. MATTHEW Thanks. MIRIAM (turns to Colleen) Colleen. It is indeed a pleasure. COLLEEN Hello, Dr. Tilson. MIRIAM Please... Miriam. Colleen beams, as Miriam turns back to Mike. MIRIAM A decade. Can you believe it? (beat) I didn't realize I'd be so nervous. Mike smiles at this. SULLY We'll get the luggage. Sully, Matthew and Brian collect the luggage as Mike, Miriam and Colleen start for the wagon. MIKE I'm so glad you could make the trip. MIRIAM Nonsense. I wasn't about to have a pregnant woman come all the way to San Francisco... not to mention depriving this charming little town of its only doctor. COLLEEN Was it much trouble gettin' away from the hospital? MIRIAM My team can manage without me. MIKE Team? (CONTINUED) 6. CONTINUED: (2) 6 Miriam turns to Mike as they arrive at the wagon. MIRIAM Good news, Michaela. I've just been appointed senior surgeon of children's medicine at St. Lukes. COLLEEN (impressed) Senior surgeon! Mike notes Colleen's excitement, then turns to Miriam, pleased for her... but also a bit envious. Sully comes over in time to see this. MIKE Why, Miriam, that's... wonderful. Miriam notices the old, rickety buckboard wagon, and raises an eyebrow. MIRIAM This is our transportation? MIKE I'm afraid so. But don't worry, the homestead isn't far. MIRIAM (beat, smiling) We've both come a long way, haven't we? Mike manages to return the smile, but can't help feel a flicker of tension beginning to build as we: FADE OUT. END TEASER 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: INT. HOMESTEAD - NIGHT ONE 7 Mike, Sully, Colleen and Brian are finishing supper with Miriam, who's in the middle of a story. MIRIAM ... very important, the most difficult examination of the semester. Dr. Nagle, our professor -- (quick aside to Brian) -- pray that you never have an instructor such as he -- (back to the family) -- he stood at the lectern. The room was deadly quiet as he read the questions, one by one... (a smile to Mike) ... and then suddenly, there arose from the silence a noise... (back to the family) Snoring... coming from the seat directly beside me. Miriam again looks at Mike, who reacts with an embarrassed smile. COLLEEN (realizing with a smile) Ma? MIKE I'd been studying all night -- MIRIAM You've never heard such a cacophonous wail. Miriam playfully mimics the snore, causing everyone, including Mike, to break into laughter. MIKE It wasn't that loud. MIRIAM The lamps were rattling! And Dr. Nagle, he stopped the examination and watched you with that face. Do you remember the face he'd make? (CONTINUED) 8. CONTINUED: 7 MIKE (remembers well) The Nagle face. I still see it in my nightmares. Miriam and Mike share a laugh. SULLY (to Mike) Did you sleep through the whole test? MIRIAM No. Thankfully, I was there to give her a swift bump to the ribs, and she woke... somewhat startled I might add. BRIAN You get in trouble, Ma? MIKE Dr. Nagle was kind enough to let me complete the examination. MIRIAM She completed it all right. (smiles at Mike) Edged me out for the highest grade in the class... (beat, still smiling) As usual. Mike looks at Miriam, trying to return the smile, but feeling a bit uneasy. Brian looks between the two, picking up on the subtle tension. EXT. HOMESTEAD - PORCH - LATER - NIGHT ONE 8 Mike and Miriam now stand alone on the porch, coffee cups in hand, gazing up into the night sky. MIRIAM I made some additional inquiries regarding that boy you wrote me about. What was his name? MIKE Anthony. MIRIAM Anthony. I'm afraid no one has any answers. The symptoms are quite perplexing. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 9. CONTINUED: 8 MIRIAM (CONT'D) (off Mike's nod) How's he doing? MIKE He fluctuates between attacks, but lately he seems to be feeling well. MIRIAM It's difficult with children. You want so much to help them... to take their pain away. (beat) Rachel contracted a respiratory infection last month, but she's feeling fine now. We treated her at the hospital. MIKE (smiles) She has a birthday coming up. MIRIAM Four years old next month. And Robert Jr.'s turning seven in August. MIKE Where has the time gone? Miriam doesn't answer, just stares up at the sky. MIKE How's Robert? Miriam hesitates a moment, uneasy, although trying not to show it. MIRIAM He's well. Very busy. MIKE Is he still working at the hospital with you? MIRIAM (quiet) Yes... yes, he is. We're quite a pair, dashing about the halls. Mike looks at her friend, sees something is troubling her. MIKE Miriam... is something wrong? (CONTINUED) 10. CONTINUED: (2) 8 But Miriam won't look at her... just keeps staring up at the sky. MIRIAM The stars are so bright out here. Mike realizes Miriam doesn't want to talk about it, so she doesn't press. MIRIAM I often look up at them... remember our dreams... A smile forms on Mike's face as she gazes up at the stars. MIKE To be the finest physician in Boston. MIRIAM To be Chief of surgery, Philadelphia Hospital. A quiet moment passes as the two reflect on the dreams they once entertained. MIRIAM (softly) Things change. Mike nods, as the two share a quiet look... until something off-screen catches Miriam's attention, scaring the hell out of her. MIRIAM Michaela! Mike turns to see: +WOLF 9 trotting happily up the porch steps toward them. +MIRIAM 10 freezes in terror, but Mike just smiles. MIKE That's Wolf. MIRIAM I know it's a wolf! Get a gun! (calling out) Sully! Somebody help -- (CONTINUED) 11. CONTINUED: 10 She suddenly stops short when Mike begins petting Wolf, scratching behind his ears. Mike looks up at Miriam, who just stands there, utterly stunned. MIKE It's all right... (smiles) He's on our side. Miriam relaxes a bit... even manages a nervous smile... but still doesn't move. MIRIAM Michaela Quinn of Beacon Hill, out in the barren wilderness, scratching the ears of a wolf. MIKE As you said, things change. The two women laugh at this as we: DISSOLVE TO: INT. GENERAL STORE - DAY TWO 11 Loren sits alone in the quiet store, reading the Denver paper. He grumbles at something he reads. LOREN ... best interest of the territory. You lie about as well as you dress, you two-faced... (looks up from paper) Can you believe this fella calls himself a... Loren stops short, suddenly remembering he's alone. He looks over, sees the empty space where Dorothy's desk used to be, then goes back to reading the paper in silence. DOROTHY (O.S.) Mornin', Loren. Loren reacts with surprise, turns to see Dorothy entering the store. He stands and moves to her, visibly happy to see her. LOREN Dorothy. DOROTHY I need some oil, for my press. Lever's stuck. Loren shakes his head as he steps over to fetch the oil. (CONTINUED) 12. CONTINUED: 11 LOREN Can't say as I'm surprised to hear that, what with you buyin' the thing second hand an' all. Dorothy glances over, notices something on one of the shelves. DOROTHY You're outta sugar. LOREN What's that? DOROTHY (gesturing to the shelf) Sugar. You're out. Need to re-order. Loren looks up at the shelf, sees she's right. LOREN Oh, yeah... well... been busy lately. Loren sets the oil on the counter and begins searching for his order ledger. LOREN Where's my book? DOROTHY (pointing) Top right drawer, Loren. Where it's always been. Loren finds the ledger with a scowl as Colleen and BECKY enter. COLLEEN Mornin', Miss Dorothy. Mr. Bray. DOROTHY Mornin', Colleen. Becky. How's your ma gettin' on with her friend? COLLEEN They're havin' a wonderful time. They were up practic'ly all night talkin'. DOROTHY I hope they'll have time to do an interview for the Gazette. (CONTINUED) 13. CONTINUED: (2) 11 COLLEEN I'm sure they will. LOREN What can I get you girls? COLLEEN We wanna make a special pie for Dr. [Tilson. BECKY So we're gonna need some flour and sugar]. LOREN Sugar? Dorothy starts out with a smile. DOROTHY Thanks for the oil, Loren. Loren scowls. LOREN Good luck with that printin' press, Dorothy. (under his breath) Piece a junk is what it is... Loren watches her go in silence, trying not to show how much he misses her. After a beat, he turns back to Colleen. LOREN Now, 'bout that sugar. I got some gum drops, you see, 'an you can scrape the sugar right off 'em. Give 'em to you for half price. Off Colleen and Becky's puzzled reactions... EXT. HOMESTEAD - DAY TWO 12 Sully comes over from the homestead to find Brian in the corral, saddling his horse. The wagon is parked in front of the house, hitched and ready to go. BRIAN I hitched the wagon for Ma and Dr. Tilson. (CONTINUED) 13A. CONTINUED: 12 SULLY Thanks. They said for us to go on ahead. They'll be comin' into town later. Sully prepares his horse for riding as well. (CONTINUED) 14. CONTINUED: (2) 12 BRIAN They seem like real good friends, don't you think? SULLY Sure. BRIAN You ever have a best friend like Dr. Tilson when you were growin' up? SULLY My friend, Daniel, 'an me were pretty close. BRIAN The one you went to help out with the mine? SULLY Came out west together when we were young. Saved my life once. BRIAN He a lot like you? SULLY Some ways. Both liked it better out in the woods than the city. But we did our share 'a fightin', too. BRIAN 'Bout what? SULLY He was always hopin' to strike it rich. Sometimes felt like he was competin' with me for jobs and things, tryin' to do me one better. Brian climbs up on the saddle. BRIAN Kinda like Ma and Dr. Tilson. Sully pauses, looks at Brian. SULLY How'd you grow up so fast? The two exchange a smile, then Sully climbs on his horse. (CONTINUED) 14A. CONTINUED: (3) 12 BRIAN Race ya to the schoolhouse. (CONTINUED) 15. CONTINUED: (4) 12 SULLY You're on. And off they go, riding toward town. EXT. CLINIC - DAY TWO 13 Mike and Miriam walk down the street (from the store) toward the clinic. MIRIAM ... and after examining him with the sphygmograph, I realized his blood pressure had increased -- MIKE Sphygmograph? MIRIAM Yes. Have you heard of it? MIKE Of course. I've been trying to obtain one for months now, but it's been difficult. MIRIAM We have several at the hospital. I can send you one if you'd like. They're quite useful in... Miriam suddenly stops short when she discovers: +CLOUD DANCING 14 walking toward them holding a leather pouch. Mike sees the uneasiness on Miriam's face. MIKE Dr. Miriam Tilson, this is Cloud Dancing, a very dear friend. Miriam recovers, tentatively extending her hand as she speaks slowly, emphasizing each word (assuming he doesn't speak English). MIRIAM I'm... pleased... to meet... you. Cloud Dancing shakes her hand with a smile. (CONTINUED) 16. CONTINUED: 14 CLOUD DANCING (same emphasis) Thank... you... very... much. Miriam reacts, realizing he speaks English, as Cloud Dancing hands Mike the pouch. CLOUD DANCING I have brought the herbs. Scarlet mallow, aspen bark. I will try to bring goldenseal on my next visit. MIKE Thank you, Cloud Dancing. Mike takes out some money, holds it out to him. CLOUD DANCING No need. MIKE Please. You're doing me a great service. It's very difficult to find these herbs, let alone purchase them. Cloud Dancing nods, takes the money. CLOUD DANCING (to Miriam) Good... bye. Miriam nods, a bit sheepish. Mike smiles as Cloud Dancing walks off. MIRIAM Wolves, Indians. I must say, Michaela, I'm impressed with how well you've adapted. MIKE I've learned a lot from that man. These herbs have medicinal properties I've found quite useful. MIRIAM Aspen bark? From a tree? MIKE It helps with coughs and fevers. I've not only administered it many times, I've also taken it as well. (CONTINUED) 17. CONTINUED: (2) 14 MIRIAM Fascinating. I doubt I would be so courageous. MIKE You? The girl who volunteered to drink that concoction Professor Averton was promoting? MIRIAM I thought it would help my grade. And I vomited all night. MIKE But you had the courage to take it when no one else would. Mike goes into the clinic, leaving Miriam to consider this, a quiet, thoughtful look blanketing her face. MIRIAM Yes, I did. Miriam breaks her reverie and follows Mike inside. INT. CLINIC - CONTINUOUS - DAY TWO 15 Miriam enters and pauses to survey the room. MIRIAM So this is your clinic. There was nothing insulting in Miriam's tone, but Mike still feels the need to apologize. MIKE It's not much, I know, but I try to keep it clean. MIRIAM It's inspiring, Michaela. It has such a... rustic charm about it. She wanders over to the examination table. MIRIAM And where do you perform surgeries? MIKE (embarrassed) Right here. MIRIAM Here? Really? (CONTINUED) 18. CONTINUED: 15 MIKE It's difficult, with all the dust from the street and the poor lighting, but... I don't have much of a choice. For now, anyway. Miriam stares down at the table, then looks around the room one more time before turning back to Mike. MIRIAM (sincere) You've done well, Michaela. Mike looks at her -- Was that a dig, or a compliment? But in Miriam's eyes she sees only honesty... and envy. The moment is suddenly broken as: COLLEEN (O.S.) Ma? Colleen is in the doorway with Becky, who is pale and holds her stomach. Mike hurries to her. MIKE Becky, what's wrong? BECKY My stomach hurts... Mike guides Becky to the examination table, where she begins to examine the girl, feeling her forehead for fever. Miriam steps back, but watches intently. COLLEEN She threw up in school. MIKE (to Becky) Is it sharp like knives, or dull, aching? BECKY Knives... MIKE Have you ever had these pains before? Becky shakes her head 'no.' Mike presses the lower right side of her abdomen. MIKE Does it hurt here? (CONTINUED) 19. CONTINUED: (2) 15 Becky shakes her head again. Mike presses the middle of her abdomen. MIKE How about now? Becky groans. Mike considers, then turns to Miriam. MIKE Intestinal blockage, perhaps? Miriam steps over, a bit tentative, and feels Becky's forehead. MIRIAM Doesn't appear to be any fever. (to Mike) It might be gastroenteritis. MIKE Perhaps... but if there's blockage, we'll need -- MIRIAM (to Becky) Did you eat anything recently? BECKY Coupla hours ago... ate some 'a my ma's chicken. MIRIAM That would do it. (to Mike) Do you have any Dr. Gordon's Cordial? Before Mike can answer: COLLEEN Yeah, I'll get it. Colleen gets it and brings it over. Miriam quickly pours a spoonful of the medicine for Becky, who takes it. MIRIAM Now just lie back if you can. You should start feeling better right away. Becky lies back. Miriam gently palpates her abdomen. MIKE Do you feel it? Miriam continues to feel, concentrating hard. After a beat, she shakes her head. (CONTINUED) 20. CONTINUED: (3) 15 MIRIAM I'm sure it's gastroenteritis, brought on by common food poisoning. It's often mis-diagnosed. We see a lot of this at the hospital. MIKE But if it isn't food poisoning, there's the risk of a rupture, peritonitis -- BECKY It's startin' to go away... MIRIAM The pain? MIKE So quickly? Becky nods. Miriam smiles. MIRIAM Good. You just lie still awhile longer, until you're back to normal. BECKY Am I gonna be all right? MIRIAM The worst is over. Colleen turns to Miriam, impressed. COLLEEN Thank you, Miriam. Miriam gives Colleen a nod and a smile as: +MIKE 16 steps back, confused, feeling excluded from the group and filled with a growing self-doubt as we: FADE OUT. END ACT ONE 21. ACT TWO FADE IN: INT. MIKE AND SULLY'S BEDROOM - NIGHT TWO 17 Mike sits in bed, intently poring over a medical journal. Sully enters, starts undressing for bed. MIKE What was it this time? SULLY Thought she saw a bear out the window. MIKE A bear? SULLY It was the laundry tub. (smiles, kisses her) Put up a fight, but I think I scared it off. Mike smiles. SULLY She reminds me of you when you first came to town. MIKE I wasn't that out of place, was I? Sully just smiles, kisses her again and continues undressing. MIKE (after a beat) Back in school we were inseparable, relying on each other's talents. Miriam excelled in surgical techniques. Her suturing skills were amazing. She once stitched a large gash on my knee after a fall. Sully sits on the bed and slides up her nightgown, examining her knee. SULLY Never seen a scar on your knee. (CONTINUED) 22. CONTINUED: 17 MIKE Exactly. (beat, quieting) My forte was diagnosis. Observing symptoms and determining the illness. But today, with Becky... Mike looks back down at her medical journal, replaying in her mind what's been troubling her all day. MIKE I could've sworn I felt blockage. And the pain... it subsided so quickly... (beat) But Miriam's seen hundreds of these cases in her hospital. Out here I only see a few. SULLY Don't make you any less of a doctor. Mike nods quietly, although there's still doubt in her eyes. MIKE I'm sure her diagnosis was accurate. From outside, an OWL HOOTS. Mike and Sully listen to it for a moment. SULLY Sounds like another bear. As Mike and Sully laugh... EXT. GRACE'S CAFE - DAY THREE 18 Mike sits with Miriam, sipping coffee at one of the tables. MIRIAM Have you seen Becky today? MIKE No, I haven't. But Colleen said she was in school. She's feeling fine. Miriam seems relieved to hear this. (CONTINUED) 23. CONTINUED: 18 MIRIAM Good... good. (then) Michaela, I'm sorry if I over-stepped my bounds yesterday. MIKE Nonsense, I was glad to have you there to consult. Miriam smiles fondly. MIRIAM Side by side, just like the old days. Mike returns the smile, as Dorothy passes by, carrying several papers and books and looking somewhat frustrated. MIKE Dorothy. DOROTHY Afternoon, Michaela. MIKE I'd like you to meet my friend, Dr. Miriam Tilson. (to Miriam) Dorothy Jennings. DOROTHY Pleased to meet you. MIRIAM The pleasure's mine. MIKE Will you join us? DOROTHY For a minute. I'm busy tryin' to get my new press up and runnin'. MIKE Dorothy's the editor of our town's newspaper, the Gazette. MIRIAM A woman editor. Impressive. DOROTHY Thank you. Would you like a copy of last week's edition? (CONTINUED) 24. CONTINUED: (2) 18 MIRIAM (taking it) Thank you. DOROTHY I was hopin' for an interview from you before you go back home. MIRIAM Certainly, I'd love to. Miriam looks at the Gazette, turns it over. Then over again. Yes, it's only one sheet. Dorothy suddenly becomes self-conscious. DOROTHY I'm in the process of expandin'. MIKE (to Dorothy) Up to eight pages, isn't that what you said? DOROTHY Uh... well, give or take... MIKE Dorothy's always on the lookout for a good story. Her journalistic skills are quite impressive -- GRACE, overhearing, leans in. GRACE She even got me to tell her the recipe to my secret pecan pie. MIRIAM Pie? GRACE Just wouldn't take no for an answer. Miriam smiles, politely humoring Dorothy. MIRIAM Yes, well... a good journalist must be persistent. GRACE And know how to bargain. She traded for free advertisin'. (CONTINUED) 25. CONTINUED: (3) 18 MIRIAM Very clever. Dorothy, embarrassed, stands and gathers her things. DOROTHY Well... guess I better be goin'. Dorothy starts off before Mike can say anything. Mike looks back at Miriam. MIRIAM Actually, a slice of pecan pie sounds wonderful right now. (to Grace) Do you have any? GRACE Comin' right up. Miriam turns back to Mike, summing up her attitude toward the people of the town in one word: MIRIAM Charming. On Mike, saying nothing, staring off after Dorothy. EXT. HOMESTEAD - DAY THREE 19 A peaceful, idyllic afternoon. Miriam comes out of the house, looking a bit bored, and wanders down by the corral, where she pauses to look at the horses. After a moment, something nearby catches her eye, and she turns to discover: Wolf, sitting not far away, watching her. Miriam instinctively tenses, but tries to look calm and friendly. MIRIAM Oh. You again. Good boy. Wolf just continues to stare at her until Sully comes out of the barn and starts over, petting Wolf on the way. SULLY Where's Michaela? MIRIAM Taking a nap. Sully nods -- this happens frequently. SULLY Gets tired easy these days. (CONTINUED) 26. CONTINUED: 19 MIRIAM It won't be much longer. Sully nods again, falling silent. Miriam, a bit uncomfortable, looks back at the horses. Sully notes this. SULLY You ever ride? MIRIAM What, horses? (a tad sarcastic) I'm afraid I've not had the pleasure. Sully considers this... then smiles. SULLY C'mon. And he starts into the corral. Miriam tenses. MIRIAM What? SMASH CUT TO: EXT. WOODS - DAY THREE 20 Miriam, on horseback, looks extremely uncomfortable as she rides alongside Sully, who seems to be enjoying this. MIRIAM I can't believe I'm riding a horse. SULLY Doin' good. Just ease up on the reins a bit. MIRIAM Where are we going? SULLY Nowhere. Just ridin'. MIRIAM Wonderful. Miriam pauses a moment, looking at Sully. Something's on her mind. MIRIAM So tell me... How do you like being married to a woman doctor? (CONTINUED) 27. CONTINUED: 20 Sully smiles at this. SULLY No complaints. MIRIAM Between her practice and her home life and the children... how does she manage it? SULLY (shrugs, then) Same as you. Miriam nods, quieting. Sully sees something off to the side and gestures for her to stop. Miriam tugs on the reins, stopping her horse. MIRIAM What is it? Sully points, and Miriam looks to see: +HER POV - A MEADOW (STOCK) 21 and right in the middle of it is a DEER with a young FAWN grazing at its side. +BACK TO MIRIAM 22 watching, mesmerized by the sight... and thrilled by it. MIRIAM They're so close... SULLY Come out here every afternoon to feed. Miriam turns to Sully, realizing: MIRIAM You brought me out here to see this. Sully nods, looks back at the deer... but Miriam's eyes don't leave Sully. She watches him for a long moment, feeling very envious of her friend. INT. GAZETTE - DAY THREE 23 Loren enters, but doesn't see Dorothy anywhere... just hears a lot of NOISE and BANGING coming from behind the printing press. (CONTINUED) 28. CONTINUED: 23 LOREN Dorothy? The BANGING stops, and Dorothy's head rises from behind the press. She looks completely disheveled, her face, hands and clothes smeared with black ink. Her frustration is visible -- a woman nearing the end of her rope. DOROTHY Hello, Loren. LOREN I was wonderin' if you'd care to join me at Grace's for supper. DOROTHY Oh, uh... no thanks. I'm not exactly... presentable. Loren comes over, looking at the press. LOREN Still givin' you trouble, is it? DOROTHY No, I'm gettin' it. All I need is to fix this one last... But she stops short. She can't deny it any longer, plopping down in a chair with a sigh. DOROTHY Oh, what's the use. Thing's too complicated, nothin' seems to work. My old press never gave me such problems. (looking around) And this room... it takes up so much space, I can hardly get around. She stares at the press, clearly intimidated by it. Loren puts a reassuring hand on her shoulder, softening his voice. LOREN If you want, I can take it off your hands. I'm sure I can find a buyer for it. The offer is tempting, and Dorothy considers it for a long moment. DOROTHY (quietly) I'll let you know. (CONTINUED) 29. CONTINUED: (2) 23 Loren nods, then turns to go out, leaving Dorothy alone, staring at the press with a troubled look. INT. HOMESTEAD - NIGHT THREE 24 Mike carries a pot of tea over to the fireplace, where Colleen and Brian are talking with Miriam. Mike refills Miriam's teacup. Sully's nearby with a book in his hands, but he can't help listening in on the conversation. MIRIAM I studied hard, day and night. We were poor, but my father was forever the optimist. He would tell me, "The only reason you can't do something is because you don't think you can." Brian reacts -- 'What?' But Colleen is encouraged. COLLEEN How'd you get into medical college if you couldn't afford it? MIRIAM By studying hard and earning a scholarship from the Catholic church. Most of the women at the college came from wealthy families. They all looked down upon us women of "questionable stature"... (smiles at Mike) ... All that is, except for Michaela. If this was meant as a compliment, Mike doesn't take it as one. She just smiles back, saying nothing. BRIAN (to Miriam) And now you're senior surgeon at a big hospital. MIRIAM Children's medicine, mind you. Colleen turns to Mike, eager to brag about Miriam's achievements. (CONTINUED) 30. CONTINUED: 24 COLLEEN Ma, did you know Miriam's got a whole team of interns that follow her around on... what's it called? MIRIAM Grand rounds. But I'm not exactly the center of attention, Colleen. I defer to the Chief of surgery. MIKE A considerable achievement, nonetheless. BRIAN I'll bet if you wanted a... a lemonade while you were operatin', there'd be a nurse right there handin' it to you. MIRIAM (smiles) It's been known to happen. COLLEEN And Ma, they got five operatin' theaters. Five! MIKE A big city needs a big hospital. COLLEEN Wouldn't it be wonderful to go there, see what it looks like? Mike hesitates a moment, casting a quick glance at Sully before turning back to Colleen. MIKE Well, perhaps someday -- COLLEEN (quickly) What about this summer? I mean, if it were all right with Miriam, I could go to San Francisco and visit. I could stay with Pa and Lillian. Colleen turns to Miriam, who suddenly looks uneasy. She tries to form a response, but before she can speak: (CONTINUED) 31. CONTINUED: (2) 24 MIKE It's quite a distance to travel, Colleen. COLLEEN You could go with me. MIKE I don't think so. With the baby coming, I doubt I'll be traveling anywhere. A look of relief crosses Miriam's face when she realizes Mike's resistance. COLLEEN Then I'll go alone. I'm old enough. And with the train, it'll only take a coupla days. MIKE I just don't think now's a good time. COLLEEN Ma, please -- SULLY (end of discussion) Colleen. Sully's voice quiets Colleen. Miriam looks at her, giving her a gentle smile. MIRIAM I guess it'll have to be some other time. Colleen nods, hurt, then stands and goes out. Miriam looks at Mike, who turns away, unable to meet her gaze. INT. MIKE AND SULLY'S BEDROOM - NIGHT THREE 25 Mike stands at the window, staring out at the night sky, deep in troubled thought. Behind her, Sully stokes the fire before getting ready for bed. MIKE Miriam and I used to lie out on the grass and look up at the stars, making our dreams for the future... (beat, turns to him) Was I wrong, Sully? Should we let Colleen go to San Francisco? (CONTINUED) 32. CONTINUED: 25 SULLY Don't see no harm in it. MIKE It's just that it's so far away. Such a big city. SULLY She's seen big cities before. MIKE But Miriam's hospital... From what she's described, it's quite overwhelming. A far cry from what I have here in Colorado Springs. SULLY Might do Colleen some good to see somethin' like that. MIKE Yes... I want her to be exposed to new medical advances... SULLY Then what's the problem? Mike pauses a moment, thinking about this. MIKE I'm just... afraid, I suppose... SULLY Of what? Mike turns back to the window, the answer troubling her. MIKE That she might not want to come back. Sully steps over to her, wraps his arms around her, offering comfort. Mike rests her head on his shoulder, trying to quell her torn emotions as she continues to stare out the window at the night sky. FADE OUT. END ACT TWO 33. ACT THREE FADE IN: INT. CLINIC - DAY FOUR 26 Robert E lies face down, fully clothed, grimacing as Mike presses on his lower back. Miriam watches from nearby. MIKE Here? ROBERT E There. MIKE Bad? ROBERT E Very bad. Mike helps him (with difficulty and a great deal of pain) to a sitting position. MIKE It appears you've strained it. ROBERT E Movin' Dorothy's printin' press. So much for a good deed. MIKE Take a nice hot bath and get to bed for a few days. You need to rest. ROBERT E Yes, I do. Thanks, Dr. Mike. And out he goes, gingerly favoring his back. Mike watches him go, then takes a deep breath, sitting at her desk. MIKE I could use a rest myself. The baby's really kicking. MIRIAM I'll bet it's a boy. You're carrying the way I did when I had Robert Jr. Mike smiles up at her friend, envious. MIKE How do you do it? (CONTINUED) 34. CONTINUED: 26 MIRIAM Do what? Mike touches her stomach thoughtfully. MIKE Adopting three children wasn't difficult. Matthew was almost of age, and Colleen was quite helpful with Brian. But now, with the baby coming, I'm just... how did you manage when your children were born? MIRIAM One word -- nannies. Mike smiles at this, then grows serious again. MIKE I often lie awake at night, wondering if I'll have enough time for my practice and my baby... what kind of mother I'll be... MIRIAM Still the same old Michaela. Always placing such enormous pressure on yourself. Miriam sits beside her, putting a reassuring hand on Mike's hand. MIRIAM You're a fine mother, Michaela. (touching Mike's stomach) This is one very lucky baby. MIKE (after a beat) I've been thinking. If you'd like Colleen to come to San Francisco, I think it would benefit her. Miriam suddenly becomes uncomfortable. MIRIAM Yes... I'd love to have her. I'll let you know when my schedule eases. (CONTINUED) 35. CONTINUED: (2) 26 MIKE (nods, then) She thinks the world of you. And so do I. This rocks Miriam, visibly affecting her. She smiles at Mike, but in her eyes there is pain and hurt... and a secret she can't bring herself to reveal... INT. GAZETTE - DAY FOUR 27 Dorothy finally has the printing press working. She turns the levers, printing her first sheet of paper, which she then takes out and holds up to discover -- Nothing. It's blank. Angry and frustrated, she crumples the paper and hurls it aside, where it rolls out the door... EXT. GAZETTE - CONTINUOUS - DAY FOUR 28 ... and directly into the path of Colleen, who is passing by on her way to the clinic (from school). She stops, noting the crumpled ball of paper with an odd look, then peers inside the door. INT. GAZETTE - CONTINUOUS - DAY FOUR 29 Colleen sees Dorothy now sitting in a chair, ready to give up. COLLEEN You all right, Miss Dorothy? Dorothy startles, looks over at Colleen. DOROTHY Oh... hello Colleen. You don't happen to know anybody lookin' to buy a printin' press, do you? COLLEEN You don't want it anymore? DOROTHY I don't know what I was thinkin'. Shoulda just stayed put with my old press in the corner of Loren's store. COLLEEN You can't give up, Miss Dorothy. Not after you come this far. (CONTINUED) 36. CONTINUED: 29 DOROTHY A little too far, I'm afraid. Bit off more than I can chew. Dorothy stares at the press, speaking softly, almost to herself... DOROTHY I can't do this. COLLEEN Only reason you can't do it is 'cause you don't think you can. Dorothy looks up at Colleen, absorbing these words... and giving them some thought... EXT. CLINIC - DAY FOUR 30 Mike comes out of the clinic and locks up as Colleen approaches from the Gazette. MIKE Colleen. I'm just closing for the day. COLLEEN Where's Miriam? MIKE Brian's giving her a tour of the hot springs. They'll meet us at the house later. As Colleen helps Mike up onto the wagon: MIKE I spoke to Miriam about having you come to San Francisco for a visit. I told her it was fine with me. COLLEEN Really? MIKE She'll let us know when it's a good time. COLLEEN (pleased) Thanks, Ma. As Colleen climbs up beside her: (CONTINUED) 37. CONTINUED: 30 MIKE I'm sorry I was so quick to say no. I suppose I was just envious. COLLEEN Envious? MIKE A big city hospital is quite prestigious. I wouldn't blame you if you had dreams of someday working in one. I had the same dreams when I was your age. Colleen quiets at this. It's obvious the thought's been on her mind. Mike pauses a moment, looking up at the sign above her clinic. MIKE But now I have the clinic. (wistful) And with it, new dreams. COLLEEN Like what? MIKE (after a beat) Like someday seeing both our names on that sign. +CLOSE ON COLLEEN 31 reacting to this, looking up at the sign with a sense of pride... but also feeling pressure and guilt. Mike reads this, and for a moment, an awkward silence passes between them. Until suddenly: BECKY (O.S.) Dr. Mike... Mike and Colleen turn to see: +BECKY 32 doubled over, being helped toward the clinic by another GIRL (same age). COLLEEN Becky! (CONTINUED) 37A. CONTINUED: 32 Mike and Colleen climb down from the wagon. Colleen hurries to help Becky, ushering her over to Mike. (CONTINUED) 38. CONTINUED: (2) 32 MIKE Is it your stomach again? Becky nods. COLLEEN I'll get Miriam. Colleen hurries off before Mike can reply. Mike turns back to Becky, helping the other girl usher Becky to the clinic. MIKE Let's get you inside. INT. RECOVERY ROOM - LATER - DAY FOUR 33 Becky now lies in bed, the pain starting to ease as Mike takes her pulse. MIKE Does it still hurt? BECKY Not so bad now... goin' away. MIKE Good. Just rest. Colleen leads Miriam in. Miriam looks very uneasy, her nervousness building. Mike sees her and moves to her, lowering her voice. MIKE She had another pain attack. MIRIAM Gastroenteritis again? Mike shakes her head. MIKE The pain went away on its own, without any medicine. Miriam quiets, stung by this. MIKE The symptoms are clear. The attacks come intermittently, then quickly subside. And I'm definitely feeling some blockage. Everything points to an intestinal obstruction of some sort. (CONTINUED) 39. CONTINUED: 33 Miriam's flustered, trying to absorb it all. MIKE The pain's gone, but it'll probably recur within the next day or two. I think we should operate, determine the cause of the -- MIRIAM No... No... (stammering) I... what's... how's her pulse? MIKE It's steady. Miriam, if we act now, maybe we can prevent -- MIRIAM I'm sure it's nothing serious -- MIKE Perhaps. But if it is -- MIRIAM We can't... we can't make any rash decisions... Mike can't believe what she's hearing. She looks over at Colleen... MIKE Excuse us a moment. ... and leads Miriam into: INT. HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS - DAY FOUR 34 Mike turns to her. MIKE Miriam, something is obstructing her intestine -- MIRIAM You're always so quick to assume the worst. MIKE I want to make sure -- MIRIAM So do I. I want to make sure we don't cut that child open without sufficient cause -- (CONTINUED) 40. CONTINUED: 34 MIKE This is not food poisoning. MIRIAM And this is not the time to impress me with your surgical skills! Mike is stunned by this. MIKE What? Colleen looks out the door. COLLEEN Ma, should I get the clinic ready for the -- MIRIAM (sharp, cutting her off) Not now, Colleen! Colleen shuts up, stunned. Miriam realizes she spoke too harshly, but instead of apologizing, she hurries out of the clinic. Mike's shock quickly turns to anger, and she hurries off after her. EXT. CLINIC - DAY FOUR 35 Miriam comes out and starts off up the street, with Mike right behind her, trying to contain her anger. MIKE Miriam... Miriam keeps walking. MIKE (sharp) Miriam! Miriam stops in the middle of the street, turns to face her. Several townsfolk stop to watch. Mike tries to keep her voice down, but her anger is getting the best of her. MIKE How dare you shout at my daughter that way. MIRIAM And how dare you question my abilities! (CONTINUED) 41. CONTINUED: 35 MIKE I never questioned your abilities. MIRIAM Always the right diagnosis. Not once did you listen to another point of view -- MIKE That's not true -- MIRIAM Everyone must know just how much better you are -- MIKE This isn't about me -- MIRIAM It's always about you! And in case we forget, you're quickly there to remind us -- MIKE What're you talking about -- MIRIAM The perfect house, perfect husband, perfect career. All handed to you on that silver platter of yours. Mike's anger is boiling now. MIKE I worked hard for what I have -- MIRIAM (sharp, loud) No, I worked hard! Since the day I was born! I had to sew and iron and cook and study. I didn't have a rich father giving me everything I needed. Mike is stung by this, deeply hurt. The street falls silent, watching her. MIKE Is that how you've felt all these years? Miriam is near tears, fighting her surging emotions. (CONTINUED) 42. CONTINUED: (2) 35 MIRIAM (quiet now) I'm sorry, Michaela. But I'm tired of competing with you. She walks off, leaving Mike in the middle of the street, angry and confused as we: FADE OUT. END ACT THREE 43. ACT FOUR FADE IN: INT. CLINIC - DAY FOUR 36 Sully enters to find Mike quietly preparing the clinic for the surgery, laying out tools, chloroform, etc. SULLY How's Becky? MIKE Resting. Her family's upstairs with her now. SULLY When you gonna operate? MIKE I'm almost ready here. I only wish Miriam were here to assist me. SULLY She's packin' her things. Takin' the next train out. Mike pauses, troubled. Sully steps close to her. SULLY You fought. All friends do. But good friends make things right again. Mike thinks about this. MIKE I always thought she was disappointed with me when I left Boston to come out here... that I had somehow... failed. Sully looks at her. SULLY She was disappointed? Or you? Mike pauses, giving this some thought. MIKE (with resolve) It was the best decision I ever made. Sully leans in and kisses her with a smile. (CONTINUED) 44. CONTINUED: 36 SULLY Glad to hear you say that. EXT. TRAIN STATION - DAY FOUR 37 Miriam sits on a bench, bags packed, waiting for the next train. Her expression is torn, filled with hurt, shame, and a deep sadness. MIKE (O.S.) I can't do this without you, Miriam. Miriam turns to see Mike approaching, her expression gentle, appealing to her. Miriam looks away. MIRIAM (quiet) Yes you can. MIKE I'm asking for your help. MIRIAM I can't, Michaela... MIKE You've performed this kind of surgery many more times than I -- MIRIAM No... I haven't. Mike quiets, taken aback. Miriam can't look at her. MIRIAM I haven't performed surgery since medical school. MIKE What? MIRIAM (very difficult) When we married, Robert gave me a choice. My career, or him. (beat) I don't practice medicine anymore. Mike now understands. She looks at her friend, feeling her sadness. Miriam still can't bring herself to look at her. Mike reaches out and takes her hand. (CONTINUED) 45. CONTINUED: 37 MIKE But you once did. Miriam fights back tears, struggling to maintain her composure. MIKE (softly) I'd like you to be there with me, Miriam. Side by side. Miriam finally looks at her. Mike gives her a gentle, reassuring smile. INT. CLINIC - NIGHT FOUR 38 Becky's surgery is in progress. Miriam keeps her nervousness at bay as she assists Mike, handing her the required instruments. Colleen monitors Becky's breathing and holds the chloroform cloth, ready to apply more should Becky regain consciousness. Mike peers into the open wound (which we don't see). MIKE There. MIRIAM Volvulus. Mike nods. COLLEEN What's that? MIRIAM The intestine's become twisted, causing blockage. MIKE We'll remove the affected portion. (to Colleen) She should be fine. Colleen's relieved to hear this. Miriam hands Mike the scalpel. MIRIAM Excellent diagnosis, Dr. Quinn. They share a look, then Mike begins to cut as we: TIME DISSOLVE TO: 46. INT. CLINIC - LATER - NIGHT FOUR 39 Mike continues to work, with Miriam assisting, feeling more confident and comfortable now. The two work as a team, speaking in shorthand. MIKE It's filling... MIRIAM I'll aspirate. Miriam reaches in with the aspirator tube to suction the excess fluids. Colleen pumps the aspirator. MIKE Bleeder. MIRIAM I have it. Miriam takes a clamp, closes off the vein. MIKE Thank you. Almost done. Colleen watches with a look of pride as the women work together, their friendship restored. MIKE There... finished. She looks up at Miriam, handing her the needle. MIKE Will you close? Miriam reacts, moved by this. She nods, then takes the needle and thread and begins suturing the wound as we: DISSOLVE TO: EXT. TOWN/BY BRIDGE - DAY FIVE 40 Mike walks over from the clinic to the bridge, where Miriam stands, gazing off into the hills. After a beat: MIKE You could've told me. MIRIAM No. I couldn't. Mike quiets, nodding. She understands. The two stand a moment, breathing in the fresh air. (CONTINUED) 47. CONTINUED: 40 MIRIAM Clean air... wide open spaces. I could get used to this. Mike nods -- she knows the feeling. MIRIAM Robert was embarrassed by my career ambitions. He convinced me it couldn't be done, said a woman would never be taken seriously as a doctor. (beat) He's the one who was appointed senior surgeon. It's his accomplishments I spoke of in my letters, not mine. Miriam turns to Mike, her emotions surfacing. MIRIAM I came out here expecting to see you wallowing in some filthy backwoods town. I thought the stories you wrote in your letters were lies much like mine. (beat) I was relying on you to ease my guilt... to make me feel better about the choices I've made. MIKE You can still go back to medicine, if that's what you want. You can open a practice -- MIRIAM No. That part of my life is over. The dye has been cast. MIKE Only if you say it has. There are still plenty of choices to make, Miriam... The dreams don't have to end. Miriam looks at her, considering her words, as Colleen approaches from the clinic. COLLEEN Ma? Mike and Miriam look over. COLLEEN She's awake. 48. INT. RECOVERY ROOM - DAY FIVE 41 CLOSE ON BECKY, awake in bed, looking pale and weak, but smiling. Mike and Miriam step close to her. MIKE How're you feeling? BECKY Tired. MIKE You just sleep, let your body heal. Becky nods. MIRIAM Won't be long and you'll be back on your feet, good as new. Becky looks down at the dressing on her stomach. BECKY Am I gonna have a scar? Mike just smiles. MIKE Don't worry... it won't even show. Mike looks to Miriam, who reacts, moved by this. INT. GENERAL STORE - DAY FIVE 42 Loren's on the step-ladder, restocking sugar on the shelves, as Dorothy comes in, a look of quiet resolve on her face. She looks up at Loren, who climbs down off the ladder and comes over. LOREN You here 'bout the press? DOROTHY Yeah. Loren feels bad for her, but also feels it's the right decision. LOREN All right, then. I'll ask Robert E and the Reverend to bring it on over. I'm sure I can find somebody to buy it -- (CONTINUED) 49. CONTINUED: 42 DOROTHY (cutting him off) It needs paper. LOREN What? DOROTHY Paper. I finally figured how to work it, but I used up mosta my stock in the process. I'd like to buy some more. LOREN (beat) Paper. DOROTHY If you got any. Loren looks at her, sees she's determined to make this work. He nods, understanding. LOREN Got plenty. Dorothy smiles as Loren moves to fetch the paper. EXT. TRAIN STATION - DAY SIX 43 The train is boarding. Steam billows from the engine. Sully pulls the wagon to a stop and helps Mike and Miriam down. Brian helps Sully carry Miriam's bags to the platform, as Colleen walks beside Mike and Miriam. MIRIAM I was so nervous about coming here. Now I hate to leave. (as they arrive on the platform) I want you to wire me the moment the baby is born. DOROTHY (O.S.) Dr. Tilson! Everyone turns to see: +DOROTHY 44 hurrying up, carrying a copy of the Gazette. (CONTINUED) 50. CONTINUED: 44 DOROTHY Sorry I never got around to interview you... but I hope this'll suffice. She hands Miriam the Gazette. Miriam looks it over, then opens it... the new expanded newspaper. She, as well as everyone else, is clearly impressed. Dorothy is pleased, and Mike touches her shoulder, proud of her friend. MIRIAM (reading) "Visiting Physician Assists in Daring Operation, Saving Local Girl." (looks up at Dorothy, smiling) I look forward to reading it. Miriam closes the paper, then freezes, as something catches her eye... It's Wolf, sitting nearby, watching her. Miriam smiles. MIRIAM You. She steps over and crouches down, extending her hand, petting him, scratching behind his ears. Mike smiles down at her friend. MIKE Miriam Tilson, scratching the ears of a wolf. How things change. Miriam returns her smile and stands, as Sully and Brian come over. SULLY Bags are loaded. MIRIAM Thank you, Sully. (stepping over to him) You're going to be a wonderful father. I know it. Sully nods. Miriam looks to Brian. MIRIAM And you -- soon to be the big brother. Take care of the little one. (leans close, whispers) And your ma. (CONTINUED) 51. CONTINUED: (2) 44 BRIAN I will. Miriam turns to Colleen. MIRIAM Colleen, I'd still love to have you come to San Francisco. Colleen looks to Mike, who nods. Colleen turns back to Miriam, pleased. COLLEEN I'd like that. The TRAIN WHISTLE BLOWS. Miriam turns to Mike, taking her hands. MIRIAM Will we have to wait another ten years? MIKE I hope not. (smiles) Perhaps we can work together again. Miriam smiles back. MIRIAM (wistful) Side by side. Mike embraces her, clutching her friend tightly, as Miriam whispers in her ear... MIRIAM Thank you. The WHISTLE BLOWS again, and Miriam pulls away from Mike, moving to the train. She climbs the steps, offers one last wave, and she's gone. Mike and the family step to the edge of the platform as the train begins pulling away, leaving the station. COLLEEN Ma, do you think she'll ever go back to practicin' medicine? Mike watches the train disappear around the bend. (CONTINUED) 52. CONTINUED: (3) 44 MIKE I don't know, Colleen. But whatever she does, I know she'll make the right choice... Mike wraps her arm around Colleen's shoulder. MIKE And so will you. Colleen looks up at Mike, sharing a smile as we slowl