Springs Schoolhouse
Morse Code and be able to send and receive messages just like
Horace Bing! You will also need to spend a little time in school
with Sra. Teresa Morales-Slicker, so you will be able to decode
the special messages which are hidden throughout town. The messages
and their locations will change each month, so you have to be
on the lookout during your visit to town. (Note: coded messages
have been intercepted and will return again in the near future.
Stay tuned for information pertaining to this.)
Code (môrs), [for Samuel MORSE], is a set of signals used on the
telegraph and in some radio transmissions, or with a flash lamp for
visible signaling. The unit of the code is the dot, representing a very
brief depression of the telegraph key. The dash represents a depression
three times as long as the dot. Different combinations of dots and dashes
are used to code the alphabet, the numerals 1 to 9 and zero, the period,
and the comma. American Morse differs considerably from International
Morse. Morse Code is now mainly used by amateur (ham) radio operators.

help you practice your Morse Code try these simple messages:
1. Dr.
Mike saved my life.
.. | - --- --- -.- | .- -. | --- .- - ....
Michaela Quinn and Byron Sully wed
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