by Chaz and Cody
*WOLF*, AKA *THE WOLF* - friend to Sully, and member of the
Quinn-Cooper-Sully family, as evidenced by his appearance in
the "family" portrait taken at Katie's Christening; citizen
of Colorado Springs, as evidenced by his appearance in the Town
- This is the animal Linnaeus, in 1788, called "Canis lupus."
It is a member of the Family "Canidae," which also includes
the fox and coyote. Wolves are Holarctic. That means, they were
once found in most of the Northern Hemisphere, above 30 degrees
north latitude. Their range was extensive, and their adaptability
was significant when you think of the geography of the areas
they roamed.
of course, is their past. Today, there are only two species
in existence. The red wolf only exists in the US, and is an
endangered species. The gray wolf can be found in Europe, Asia,
and North America. Grays are extinct in many of their old habitat
areas, and in some, their presence is simply not known. It is
amazing to realize now, but wolves were not studied in a serious,
scientific manner until the early 1940s.
the 23 subspecies that taxonomist Edward Goldman identified
in North America in 1945, seven are no longer found. Included
among these would be the Great Plains wolf (also known as lobo)
and the northern and southern Rocky Mountain wolves (which I
would speculate, are most likely the ancestors of our *WOLF*].
{If you would like further information about ongoing efforts
to reintroduce wolves into old habitats, such as the successful
work in Yellowstone National Park, there are many Web sites
to use, including, the Defenders of Wildlife at http://www.defenders.org/}
main reason we do not know the exact subspecies of Sully's WOLF,
is because his character has been played by several *Alaskan
* * is the original "actor" to play WOLF. However, since he
was a lover, not a fighter, he had a "double," just for growling
purposes, named Mica. Cody, eventually, had to retire due to
age requirements, and was replaced by his son, Chaz. However,
for attack scenes, (as in The Legend) Chaz had a "stunt double"
by the name of King. {Credit
for the amazing performance of these malamutes, goes to Mr.
Dennis Grisco, owner and trainer.}
the Malamute actors who play WOLF, "dress" for the part in their
own "coats," we don't have coloring or distinctive features
to go by in order to try and determine WOLF'S subspecies, and
no detailed information on him has ever been given to identify
his origin.
W., has contributed firsthand knowledge about the Alaskan Malamute
breed. Becky has been raising and training them for over 25
years so she is able to speak with some authority on how well
trained the "cast" of Malamutes playing WOLF have been. According
to Becky, "they are not the easiest dog to train, but can learn
anything... and have the physical attributes that resemble wolves,
such as, size, coloring, coat, ear set and facial shape..."}
following is a published article on Cody, contributed by MARY
ANN: "If a movie or television show calls for a wolf, the animal
usually chosen for the role is a breed of dog called a malamute
-- and often, the dog that is cast is a ten-year-old malamute
named Cody. He has been in many TV shows, commercials, and movies.
These days, Cody is playing the role of Wolf one CBS-TV's Dr.
Quinn, Medicine Woman. As the "best friend" of Byron Sully (played
by Joe Lando), Wolf strikes an impressive figure as the two
battle the forces of nature as well as the bad guys of the Old
wolves are naturally suspicious and skittish around humans --
even if they have been raised from puppyhood by a trainer. Because
these instincts can make wolves unpredictable, it could be dangerous
to use them on a film set. That's one reason Cody is so valuable.
He looks like a wolf, but he is professional and good-natured.
Cody's so lovable and unwolflike, he has to have a malamute
double named Mika to do his snarling scenes!"
Name: Cody
Breed: Malamute
Gender: Male
Age: Ten years old
Weight: 85 lbs.
Color: White, Silver and Black
First Role: Cody played Nanook, the family pet in the movie
The Lost Boys.
Favorite Foods: Kibbles, boiled beef, boiled chicken
Best Friend on Dr. Quinn: Joe Lando
His Grooming: Baths three times a week and daily brushing
Pet Peeves: Cody doesn't like heights and he's uncomfortable when
he has to ride in a wagon, because it's unstable
Favorite Trick: Running up a ramp and leaping off about ten feet through
the air, landing right in his trainer's arms."
are, of course, dozens of books on the subject of wolves, but
the main source used is "Of Wolves and Men", by Barry Holstun
Lopez, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1978}
first see WOLF, when we first see Sully, during negotiations
with Black Kettle and Gen. Chivington when Dr. Mike walks across
the bridge to the church to meet Rev. Johnson. His first "action"
is also in the first action scene Sully has, taking place in
the Bray Mercantile, with Sully's tomahawk interpretation of
"redecorating." Chivington pulls a gun on Sully, and WOLF bares
his teeth and growls his displeasure. Chivington puts the offending
gun away and exits. WOLF wins.
is with Sully for the entire episode, and it is in this episode
only, that we hear Sully explain the little that we actually
know about the relationship that he has with WOLF. As for the
rest of what we think of that relationship, we have had to fill
in the gaps from our own observations and imaginations.
is never formally introduced to WOLF, but she doesn't seem to
fear him. She doesn't even flinch when he takes a sniff at her
after she falls from her horse Bear, as she and Sully arrive
to inspect the Old Homestead.
collective "introduction" to WOLF happens in the Old Homestead,
after a wounded Black Kettle has been brought there. As they
sit at the table, Dr. Mike asks how Sully became so involved
with the Indians and Sully responds by pointing to WOLF and
see that wolf over there? Some folks think it's evil. But he's
been a friend to me. Same thing with the Indians. Thirty years
ago when white men first set foot in this territory, there were
thousands of those wolves. Then the government put a bounty
on their head, and now there's only a few 100. The way I see
it, same things happenin' to the Indians."
we learn from Sully that he and WOLF are friends. We know they
are companions, since they have been together from the very
first scene. When you see Sully, most often, somewhere nearby,
will be WOLF. Although, throughout the series, there have been
times when WOLF has not been around; times when it might have
been handy to have WOLF around; times when Sully has deliberately
left WOLF behind.
important aspect about Sully and WOLF, which has never been
revealed, or even hinted at, is how they came to be together.
{It has, however, been addressed in some DQMW Fan Fiction.}
What we do seem to "know," based upon dialog from THE PILOT
episode, is about how long WOLF has been with Sully, and perhaps
even WOLF'S age (although it is only a guess].
*The Pilot, when Brian is in Mr. Bray's store, he admires a
wooden statue of a wolf, that Mike says looks like Sully's WOLF.
The Reverend informs us that... "It is. Sully carved it." Then
Maude Bray (Abigail's mother) says, "It belonged to our daughter."
establishes the fact that WOLF has been with Sully since before
Abigail's death (which is either 1863 or 1865 depending on which
source you accept - Civil War records or tombstones) But then,
if that is the case, what did Sully do with WOLF when he joined
the ARMY. It seems, from dialog in *Indian Agent and in *Last
Chance, that when Sully left the Old Homestead in despair, after
losing Abigail and Hannah, he wandered in the woods, not eating
or sleeping, and was half-dead when found by Cloud Dancing.
don't know for certain if this was Sully's first encounter with
the Cheyenne, or if he was already established with them. If
Sully had been with the Cheyenne, even for a brief time, after
Abigail's death, and before he went to the war, then I could
imagine that Sully would have left WOLF in their care. Then
when Sully returns, to "start my life over again with the Cheyenne,"
Sully and WOLF are reunited and remain together from then on.
the 1863 time frame for Abigail's death, (which is the logical
one, since we heard it stated in *A Washington Affair, and I
believe Beth Sullivan herself said it is the accurate year],
and given that WOLF was at least a year old then, he would have
been around 10 or 11 when the series ended.
the wild, wolves are expected to live not more than 8 to 9 years.
An exceptional animal may live 13 - 14 years. I have to hope
it would be a much longer life for our WOLF.
has never been a scene in which anyone in town, either long
time residents or newcomers, has taken much notice of WOLF'S
presence, or been the least bit worried about his being around.
He seems to be taken for granted. This attitude even extends
to the Army! We have no explanation for this, so the assumption
must be, that he's been around so long, the regulars don't have
any reason to worry, and the newcomers just pick up on that,
{or they mistakenly think he's only a dog!}.
only "newcomer" to show any fear of WOLF, and that was not in
town, but at the Homestead, was Miriam, in *Reunion, who recognized
him as a wolf right away. But she warms to him eventually, and
just before leaving town, ends up rubbing his ears as she saw
Michaela do. In the First & Second Season, we have a couple
of examples of this townie "acceptance"...
Water - Hank recognizes WOLF coming along a trail -- "Isn't
that Sully's wolf?" and the "rescue team" then follows WOLF
in their efforts to track down Dr. Mike and Sully, (since they
have been lost for days)!
American Medicine Show - He is being taken care of at the clinic,
and no one seems to mind his being there, although Doc Ely does
comment to Mike, "Interesting clientele you have."
Portraits - WOLF is formally recognized as a member of CS, as
he is in the "town" picture, although in front of Cloud Dancing,
not Sully.
The Offering - WOLF runs into town, is recognized by several
people, and his message is taken from around his neck and read.
Again, no one seems concerned that they are dealing with a "wolf."
mentioned above, in *The Pilot, we see Brian's special affinity
for wolves. He defends their intelligence to Mr. Bray, who remarks
how pigs are smarter than dogs, "But not wolves" chimes in Brian.
And after Dr. Mike buys the carved wolf for him, we see it near
his bed. And of course, Sully's Christmas gift to Brian is a
wolf puppy. With the exception of Sully & Michaela, Brian seems
to have the most interactions with WOLF.
*The Hostage, Brian comforts the wounded WOLF, and sleeps next
to him all night. Also in *The Hostage, Cloud Dancing has several
interactions with WOLF. Sully sends WOLF to find Cloud Dancing.
The two return to Sully at the Homestead, and it is Cloud Dancing
who gestures to WOLF to follow them as they move closer to the
house. Sully leaves WOLF in Cloud Dancing's care, and WOLF is
with him when Michaela runs out of the Homestead with Katie.
than Colleen's rescue in *Heroes and *Cooper VS. Quinn, and
Matthew taking charge of WOLF in *Running Ghost, Colleen and
Matthew don't seem to have any outstanding WOLF moments. They
take for granted he is part of the family.
two occasions, Michaela is clearly seen showing her affection
for WOLF. Once in *Reunion, when she scratches his ear to show
Miriam there is nothing to be afraid of, and in *Comfort of
Friends, when she pats him on the head.
and WOLF have some unique moments. In *When a Child is Born,
Brian introduces Katie to WOLF, assuring her he is a "friend".
In *Los Americanos, WOLF rests next to Katie's cradle on the
Homestead porch, where by accident she bops him on the nose
while playing with her feet. In *Seven Kinds of Lonely, Katie
is on the kitchen floor with WOLF. And in *Before The Dawn,
in the pre-wedding scene, they are again playing together, until
Matthew scoops her up into his arms. Of course, WOLF does eat
Katie's piece of birthday cake in *Moment of Truth, Part One,
but I think she forgave him!
expected, Sully has the key role in WOLF'S life. WOLF is his
devoted friend. His loyalty to Sully is unquestioned. In the
early episodes of the series, WOLF is Sully's constant companion,
with the exception of some incidents, which I have chronicled
below. Throughout the rest of this Profile, it is primarily
Sully and WOLF'S life together that is revealed.
"sleeping" arrangements for WOLF, up until *For Better Or Worse,
were the "envy" of many a female fan, as he took up his spot
sleeping next to Sully! Since then, we don't really know where
he sleeps all the time. We've only seen him in the Sully/Quinn
bedroom, once, in *One Nation (where his "panting" was mistaken
for other sounds!). He does seem to spend a good deal of time,
resting on the Homestead porch.
has great concern for WOLF, and has left him in someone else's
care on several occasions...
Ghost - (which by the way is the only time I'm aware of, besides
The Pilot, that Sully refers to him as *THE* WOLF), Sully asks
Matthew to look after him.
Affair - He's left with a Cheyenne.
Recovery - Sully asks Michaela to take care of him because his
foot isn't healed yet! (As mentioned above, he does stay overnight
at the clinic, in Dr. Mike's care, in *GAMS also.)
Keeper - WOLF is kept in the house, away from Pup, for fear
of rabies.
Abduction -In this one WOLF is left behind by himself, because
the trail is too steep for him to climb! He puts a paw out to
dissuade Sully from leaving him, but Sully has to go. Sully,
after all, has to save his "heart song."
Hostage -As mentioned above, WOLF is left behind by the barn,
with Cloud Dancing, as Sully commands, "You stay here."
for "feeding," Sully is only one seen feeding WOLF table scraps,
and that was one time, in *Change of Heart. In *The Fight, WOLF
is at the table hoping to be fed some scraps. (If there are
other occasions, they haven't been found.]
in *The Homecoming, WOLF is fed a nice chunk of deer meat by
Chester, and as already mentioned, WOLF takes it upon himself
to nab a piece of Katie's birthday cake. We can, however, assume
by his healthy state, that WOLF is well fed. We just haven't
seen it! He doesn't have a "Wolfie Bowl" set out on the porch
or in the barn, but then there is always a creek for drinks
of water.
are primarily carnivores, but they have been known to eat berries
and even carrion, so maybe WOLF fends for himself in that department.
Maybe that's where he is on those occasions when we don't see
him and wonder where he is!}
is usually a pretty astute judge of who deserves a growl. Most
of the time, it is folks wielding guns. He absolutely hates
guns, especially when they are threatening Sully...
Pilot - As mentioned, he growls at Gen. Chivington and his gun,
drawn against Sully.
Lullaby - Sully confronts the would-be thief, who draws his
gun and asks Sully what he wants. What Sully wants, naturally,
is for Mr. McCall to put away the gun, and of course, as Sully
points out, so does WOLF! McCall puts away the gun.
Prisoner - WOLF is left to guard Sully's weapons belt lying
on the ground, when he and Mike go in to see about Cloud Dancing.
A rifle toting soldier bends over to take possession of it,
and WOLF clearly objects. The belt is safe.
Souls - WOLF growls and bares his teeth at one of the "outlaw
brothers" who is in a fight with Sully and Kid Cole.
of Change - WOLF faces down a rifle toting Mr. Daggett. This
distraction enables Sully to get the gun away, and deliver his
warning to Daggett not to allow any more harm to befall little
Legend - Also the episode in which WOLF does his first ever,
leaping attack, which he directs at one of the Reid gang.
Hostage - WOLF growls and runs to attack Huested Currier, who
is pointing his gun at Brian and Matthew, but then Currier points
his gun toward WOLF and shoots. This is WOLF'S only known gunshot
wound, although WOLF was shot at in *Bad
Homecoming - WOLF growls at the gun Chester is holding on Sully,
after which Sully assures the couple that they don't have to
worry about WOLF. Later on in this episode, WOLF also growls
at the nearby cougar and is ready to confront it, but Sully
tells him to stay put.
discriminating as he is, WOLF has, on occasion, been known to
growl at "non-gun toting" persons. He did so at John in *Halloween
II, Miriam in *Reunion, and Martin in *Birdman, as well as,
Ethan in *Father's Day, and Hazen in *Indian Agent. In
the case of Ethan and Hazen, I think it was WOLF'S innate sense
that they were not nice fellows. As for John, Miriam, and Martin,
well, extenuating circumstances, I suppose!? John was pretty
scary to look at, Miriam was initially afraid of WOLF, and Martin
was making his aborted 'flight,' attempt, which might have looked
like an attack from above.
is the primary activity for which WOLF is known:
Pilot - His first tracking assignment, was, of course, in *The
Pilot, when he finds Brian. A piece of Brian's shirt is found
and WOLF is on the scent!
Bad Water - As mentioned above, he leads the search party toward
where Mike and Sully are, but they cross paths and then head
back to town together. Also in this episode, WOLF "finds" Happy
Walker's body, although it wasn't too taxing of a tracking job!
Cowboy's Lullaby - WOLF uses a piece of Dr. Mike's clothing
to track her down.
Heroes - He goes with Mike and Sully and tracks Colleen and
finds her in the mineshaft.
Incident - WOLF helps Sully and the Cheyenne track deer!
Choice - Not technically a "tracking" job, but it is WOLF'S
barking, and his stationing himself by Sully, who is covered
by brush, that alerts Matthew and Robert E to Sully's location
so they can help him.
Offering - Sully ties a message around WOLF'S neck with a bandage
and sends him off to "find Brian." To give him the scent, Sully
uses a scrap of material of Brian's that needed mending, and
that Dr. Mike had in her bag.
Abduction - In this episode he has his longest and most important
tracking assignment so far, as he keeps tabs on the Dog Soldiers
and where they have taken Michaela. [If that climb hadn't been
too steep, he would have completed the job I'm sure!]
Fathers and Sons - WOLF accompanies Sully and Matthew as they
track down Brian.
vs. Quinn - WOLF has the double job of tracking both Colleen
and Brian, as he accompanies Mike and Sully.
Brother's Keeper - He has probably his saddest tracking job
as he helps locate Brian and the doomed Pup.
Or Alive - He is there with Sully, although it is Sully who
seems to do most of the "tracking" here.
When A Child Is Born - We don't see it, but Matthew talks about
"even WOLF" not even being able to find Sully.
Legend - WOLF is along with Michaela and Sully tracking Matthew.
Hostage - WOLF is again called upon, as in
Offering, to find and deliver a message. This time it is the
blood soaked Dream Catcher, that he is to take to Cloud Dancing,
its maker. Sully lets WOLF sniff it, so presumably it still
carries CD's scent.
Father's Son" - We don't see WOLF go off with Sully and the
others, but he comes back with them when they bring Brian and
Anthony home.
To Believe - WOLF is first seen returning to town with Michaela,
after the pair have been out looking for Sully. WOLF continues
searching with the others and is the first to find the broken
egg shells that Sully has left behind. As the plot unfolds,
WOLF loses Sully's scent in the rain, and he is not the one
who discovers Sully's hiding place. Daniel Simon does.
is undeniably my own personal bias, but I feel this was an unfortunate
plot device. In my opinion, it should have been Michaela and
WOLF who located Sully. She has the spiritual connection, and
WOLF, the physical }.
have certainly been times in Sully & Michaela's adventures,
when it would have been nice to have had WOLF there, or even
when he was present, to have WOLF be able to use his many talents...!
Visitor - WOLF does his best to "warn" Robert E. and Sully about
that brewing explosion, but to no avail. Of course, this would
have been an entirely different episode if he had!
Lullaby - WOLF should have "known" that bear was around, but
then I suppose, Sully wouldn't have been "trapped' in the cabin
with Mike!
Ghost - Boy wouldn't it have been great to see WOLF teach Rankin
a thing or two!? But then we "definitely" wouldn't have had
the episode so many of us have grown to love!
Abduction - Already mentioned was WOLF'S great display of tracking
skill, but he didn't get to be there for the finale! Of course,
if he had been able to make that 'steep' climb, then we wouldn't
have had the wonderful "spiritual connection" scene with Sully
and Michaela letting their hearts find each other!
- I'm not sure that WOLF could have made any difference here,
even if they could have arrived sooner. I guess I just felt
it would have been natural for Sully to take him along, and
that he belonged with them in this episode. (Just my own humble
New Life - WOLF might have been able to alert Sully and Cloud
Dancing about those bounty hunters, but again that would have
meant a change in the script!
A Child Is Born - It would have been satisfying for Sgt. O'Connor
to feel WOLF'S justice for his attack on Sully, since no legal
justice was forthcoming. But again -- a completely different
episode would have ensued! And we did, after all, want Sully
and Michaela completely "alone" for the birth of their child!
- WOLF is running ahead of Sully towards the house, but then
veers away to the back, just before Sully is shot. We don' know
where WOLF was headed, or why, but he couldn't have helped Sully
anyway, not at that point. Later on, of course, he is a key
player in the rescue.
Dam - Unexplainably, WOLF does nothing, even though he is there
when Sully, Preston and the two thugs hold up the supply wagon.
Given his distaste for guns, it is certainly out of character
for him not to react. [Must have been off to the side!]
of Truth 2 - Sully tells WOLF to stay behind as he walks along
the edge of the cliff looking for a way out of the canyon. It
is here that Sully and O'Connor have their deadly fight. WOLF
would have made all the difference -- but sadly that would not
be the ending needed for the episodes planned for Season 6.
All WOLF can do, at the end of this episode is look down to
where Sully fell and whine helplessly, until Michaela, Dorothy
and McKay reach him. WOLF then leads the way down to the water,
but that is the last we see of him, as Michaela proclaims that
Sully has to be alive.
Me Not - WOLF is there but not given a role to help out, as
a drunken Jake takes Katie and frightens her.
Blank - If only WOLF had been in the clinic with Michaela when
the fateful knock came at the door. He might not have been able
to prevent the shooting, but he most certainly would have taken
care of the assailant. Alas, this time he was with Sully on
a surveying job. Later, once Michaela had recovered, and she,
Sully, and WOLF ride into town for her first day back to work,
Sully offers to leave WOLF with her at the clinic, but she declines
the offer, saying she'll be fine. Of course, she wasn't, not
of Doubt - WOLF accompanies Sully, Brian and the Senator and
his son on their outing. But for some unexplained reason, WOLF
isn't used to track the lost boys. Once again, the plot dictates
that Brian is to use his skills to save the day. WOLF does give
them a warm greeting when there are eventually found.
have been some other moments in WOLF'S life that have not involved
heroic deeds, but simply are a part of his being in the lives
of Sully, Michaela and family!
American Medicine Show - WOLF'S first and only embarrassing
moment! Imagine being a proud wolf, having to lie on a cot,
with your head and one ear wrapped in bandages!
Day - WOLF is jealous! Sully has his focus on his new "horse"
and WOLF isn't pleased! He keeps jumping up to get Sully's attention,
as Sully is getting acquainted with the horse. But in the end,
he does get to sleep with his head on Sully's lap. Lucky animal!
Water - Sully shows his frustration over Mike's stubborn insistence
on going with him, by gesturing this at WOLF'S ear. Friends
have to endure a lot!
Better Or Worse - WOLF is not in attendance at the Wedding,
nor does he go on the honeymoon! Nuff said!
A Child Is Born - WOLF'S introduction to Katie. Brian explains
to Katie, "Here's WOLF. Don't worry. He's not gonna hurt ya.
He's our friend." As if WOLF could be anything but protective
of this littlest addition to his "pack"!?
Tempest - WOLF exchanges a very fond greeting with Andrew. A
seldom seen exchange with non-family members!
Hostage - WOLF accompanies Cloud Dancing back to the Homestead
as he locates Sully. There are some really nice close-ups of
WOLF here, and if you listen carefully, you can hear WOLF barking,
off camera, as Sully explains that the outlaws "...got Michaela,
Brian and Katie." WOLF just wanted to put in his two cents!
That Matters - While it does seem that WOLF should be left with
Sully now, he continues to accompany Michaela on her futile
hunt for the presumed dead mountain man. That was probably necessary
to keep up the pretense for the town, and avoid suspicion. {Throughout
the "fugitive Sully" episodes, WOLF is usually seen with the
family. I'd like to think it was Sully's decision for him to
be there for their protection!}
Passage - WOLF is the one to announce Sully's approach to town.
He barks and runs to meet him, leading the sad procession to
the meadow. WOLF later accompanies Sully, and the others as
they escort Black Moon's band north.
Have And TO Hold - This one really has to warm the heart of
all WOLF fans. Here we have the one and only episode with just
Michaela and Sully, and WOLF is included! At first his role
is as companion and friend as he tries to comfort Michaela when
her headache pain becomes difficult to bear. But he also plays
a significant role in her recovery, when he awakens a sleeping
Sully, who then turns with alarm to awaken Michaela from what
might have been a fatal sleep. In the end of the episode, WOLF
is overcome with emotion and plants a kiss on Sully, who takes
his friend's show of affection with good humor!
relationship to Pup is a little explored area, and it is too
bad, because it would seem natural for there to have been some
sort of "hierarchy" established with two "non-alpha" {since
Sully is WOLF'S Alfa!} male wolves in the "Sully" pack! But,
there is no mention of their relationship. We only see it on
of the Land - Pup gets into trouble with "Byron" the hurt deer,
but WOLF is not in this episode at all!
Ghost - Pup is in Brian's arms. WOLF waits patiently for Sully
to be taken care of by Dr. Mike. They are in the scene together,
but no interaction.
Thanks - Brian greets Pup after their long separation, but WOLF,
although present, has no interaction with him. Little notice
of Pup in Season 2 and 3.
New Life - WOLF and Pup are on the Old Homestead porch, side
by side, in the opening scenes. Robert E. confuses Pup with
WOLF, and Brain explains that Pup just came back a few days
before. {I suppose that explains why Pup wasn't seen much for
most of Seasons 2 & 3.}
All Stars - At the New Homestead, WOLF and Pup chase the ball
Sully hits!
and Daughters - Pup is fed by Brian at the breakfast table.
WOLF is in the room, but not being fed. Doesn't seem bothered
by it!
Keeper - WOLF is kept away from Pup when it is discovered that
Pup might have rabies. But later, WOLF helps Sully and family
track Brian, and of course, Pup is killed. There is no discussion
of this killing having an effect on Sully, since Pup was his
gift to Brian, nor of the possible effect on WOLF.
Season: *Law of the Land
Season: *The Circus
Season: *The Cattle Drive *Thanksgiving
Season: *The Iceman Cometh *Deal With the Devil. It might be
fun to try and play "Where's WOLF?" in this season! *Dorothy's
Book, *Promises, Promises and *Woman of the Year are excellent
tests of WOLF spotting prowess!
Season: IN ALL THE EPISODES! When Wolf is not trailing along
after Sully, he may be at one of his 3 favorite haunts: the
Homestead Porch, outside the Clinic, or riding in the wagon.
For "Where's Wolf?" try *Runaway Train or *Most Fatal Disease
(not at the end, but at the beginning of this episode).
Season: *A Time To Heal, Part One WOLF and Sully both are absent
from three: *Civil Wars *Life In the Balance *Vengeance If you
want to play "Where's WOLF?" he is often only in one, possibly
two, scenes, such as, *Wave Good-bye or *Time To Heal, Part
Two. He does a great deal of 'riding in the wagon' in the first
few episodes.
have speculated a great deal on why WOLF was originally cast
as Sully's companion. It seems twofold to me.
WOLF is present, so that even the enigmatic mountain man is
not totally alone. WOLF is companion, true friend and helper.
WOLF ties Sully to the lifestyle and "mythology" that we associate
with the "West." With Sully's own words, WOLF is intrinsically
linked to the Cheyenne from the Pilot, and in the time frame
of the series, his kind will eventually suffer the same fate.
At the worst, that fate will be near extinction, and at best,
relegation to "selected" areas within their former habitat.
the wolf and the Cheyenne both still exist today, whatever the
transformations they had to undergo. Change is inevitable, but
the 'course of change' is not. That is a matter of choice. And
those choices continue to this day.
a personal note, since I am so very fond of the character of
WOLF, I am grateful that the producers/writers of DQMW kept
him as part of the series to the end. His fate is left to my
imagination, and to yours.
written by Anne U.
expertly compiled by Pat R.